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"Laney! I can't believe the day is the day!" Amanda shouted at me as she was brushing on blush to her cheeks.

I was trying to determine what to wear.  I had already painted my face on.  I needed something to match, something to look good. "I know.  How long have we been waiting for this day?" I looked at her and chuckled.

"Our whole life!" She laughed in sarcasm.

Me and Amanda have been friends since fifth grade.  Well, kinda. Amanda had already been in the same school since first grade, and I was the transferred newcomer.  We sat beside each other in language arts, but she never really talked to me.  She already had her own group and I had made a couple of friends.  Then, turns out, one of my friends I made was already in her group.  We didn't really like each other, but towards the end of the year, we were inseparable.

In sixth grade, this new app came out called "Vine".  We weren't really fond of it at first, but then it started getting really popular, and we decided to give it a go.  We didn't post videos on it, we just watched and revined the funniest videos.

I remember the first time that I seen a video of the Dolan twins.  Amanda had direct messaged me a video of one of their vines, and I thought they were funny and we watched them daily.  Then a couple years rolled around, vine got shut down, and they made a youtube video, and we fell more in love with them, and their personalities.

"I'm kinda nervous." I said, still rummaging through my closet trying to figure out what to wear.

"Why?" Amanda asked me with a little frown on her face, still applying her make up.

"I don't know, I just love them and I don't want to freak out and them think I'm some maniac." I said rolling my eyes.

"Eh, don't worry about it.  I've heard people have fainted. I don't think you could get THAT bad."

"You'd be surprised."

I finally picked out the perfect outfit.  A white, fluffy shirt with a V-neck with sequence decorating around the neck and the pocket area.  It was also in July, so I decided instead of wearing jeans, I would just wear jean shorts.  The ones I picked out had a few holes in the thigh area, but not too much.  I wore my brand new white vans, which I'm sure would get dirty by the end of the day.  And to top it all off, I had curled my naturally flat, frizzy hair, and threw on some red lipstick to put it all together.

"What do you think?" I spun around and threw my hands on my hips like I was the shit.

"Absolutely stunning!" She said with extra emphasis on "stunning".

"Amanda! You have GOT to hurry! The meet in greet starts in three hours and we still have to drive there!" I shouted at her, still sitting down finishing her make up.

"Okay, okay! Let me throw some clothes on."

She went over to my closet and started going through my clothes.

"Did you not bring anything to wear?" I asked her.

"Nah, I like your clothes better than mine anyways."

She finally picked out a short, gray dress with tiny little silver sparkles covering the whole dress with spaghetti straps, and slid on some gray flip flops.

"And what do YOU think?" She said, twirling around, the dress going too high to show her pink underwear.

"Haha, you might not wanna do that at the meet and greet." I said as I laughed. "But other than that, I think you look absolutely beautiful.  Seeing as your make up took ten hours to complete." I said as I rolled my eyes.

Me and Amanda grabbed our purse, my keys and our little goodie bags that we made for them.  I made a bag full of stuff for Grayson, and Amanda made one for Ethan, and went downstairs to find my mother in the the kitchen.

"Well don't you ladies look nice?" She said as she pushed the bread down in the toaster.

"Isn't it a little late for breakfast?" I said sarcastically, laughing.

"It's only twelve." She said spinning back around to her almost done toast. "Shouldn't you girls be going anyways? You only have a little over two hours." She said pointing to the clock.

I ran over to my mom and gave her a hug and she kissed me on the cheek. "Yes mother, we are going now."

"Please be careful.  And text me as soon as you get there!" She yelled at us as we ran out the door.

As we were driving, my mind couldn't stop racing.  I was so excited and I have been waiting for long for this.  We had been listening to the radio, but nether of us were singing.  We were just too excited.  We had to drive for a little over an hour because they weren't coming to our city, of course. We lived on the outskirts of Portland, Oregon, which is where they were coming.


As we arrived almost an hour early, we parked in front of the venue and we made sure to grab our gift bags and phones. I pulled out my phone real quick and texted my mom to let her know that we made it safely.

"Do you have a sharpie?" Amanda asked me.

"Crap no." I said looking in my car for one.

"It's fine, I'm sure that they will have one, or someone will at the least."

We started walking toward the entrance and we seen a long line of girls standing outside.

"Wow, there are already a ton of people outside." I said.

We made our way towards the back and I couldn't help but to look at how pretty these girls were.  I was nothing compared to them.  I was a short, skinny girl, with a little bit of an ass, with acne and straight, blonde hair.  Amanda was way prettier.  She was short too, and skinny, but she was thicker than me, with clear skin, and very curly orange hair.  These girls were wearing crop tops and had posters and gift bags of their own.  I bet that they get so many gifts that they don't look at all of them. I bet Grayson wouldn't look inside of mine.

Almost an hour passed and the line started to move forward.

"Oh my gosh! It must be starting!" I said as we got up off the ground and started walking forward.  I had so many butterflies in my stomach I felt like I was about to throw up.

There were probably 50 people in front of us, and about 150 behind us.  Im glad that we got here when we did.

The line was moving fast and it worried me a little bit that they were just taking a picture and saying "NEXT!" I wanted to have a little conversation with them.  I was so in love with Grayson, you have no idea.

We got in the door, and there were still about 20 girls in front of us.  We couldn't see them yet but I knew it was coming.

As the line moved up more and more, me and Amanda were getting more and more excited and nervous.  There were about 10 girls in front of us and we could finally see them through the gaps of the girls in front of us.

"Oh my gosh there they are!!" Amanda whisper-yelled to me, slapping my arm.

I was trying to keep my cool.  But I just couldn't contain myself. "I know! I know!" I said slapping her back.

And as the line progressed forward, and the last person in front of us walked up to meet the twins, we were next.  They were in full view of our eyes.  We looked at each other with our mouth's wide open, and as if I thought the butterflies couldn't get any worse, they sure found a way to do it.


Hey guys! This is my first write so if I have any errors please let me know! Also, don't forget to vote if you like it and leave comments for feedback. xx

Grayson Dolan : A Dream a DayWhere stories live. Discover now