My Story 2

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Feb 11th , 5 40PM 

     This is the time that i need to get back home  ... why am i still at school ? should i go home now or what? this is getting really confused. So again, i sat at a bench not far away from my school entrance and think , what is this feeling ? im feeling so weird now , is like my brain packed with alot of stuff . So i plan to ask some of my class mates for my answers , i walked to one of my friend name "Dody" and ask "Dody , why am i feeling so weird and keep thinking about something and is like theres a noisy party in my head !" then he replied "if im not wrong , you're thinking about someone ? that are important to you ." I was shocked after i heard that .

     I opened my school entrance door , suddenly a cold breeze flows right through my body. i feel so cold and decided to go to a near by food court to satisfied my stomach. So i went in to the food court , many people we're talking , buying food , ordering food and many more . I wanted to eat noodles , so i found a correct place for me to sit . While my delicious yummy noodle is still cooking , i looked around ....i saw beggers and some poor people begging for money table by table . i felt very sad and angry because , some people are ignoring them and some of them even scold those poor souls ...this world is unfair , some people born in a good environment and some unlucky people born out in a very bad environment , then they end up like this people..begging for money and food to survive . Thats why we must be glad and feel lucky for ourself , dont waste your parrents money and sometimes we really should listen to them .

       My stomach start "growling" , my delicious noodle finally came . After eating this delicious noodles still doesn't helps , my head is still full of stuff . Am i missing someone or what? this is really weird . Suddenly my phone rang " Ring Ring" i've received a message from an unknown phone number and the message wrote " Hi i think i saw you at park yesterday , are you "     " ?? . A sudden Happiness  occurs in my heart and i felt really happy , and then i finally understands ...why am i feeling so weird is because im in .

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