Darling, Reality Sucks

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"We'll all die someday, either when we're cold, old, and gray or when we can no longer take the pain of not feeling okay."

She was an angelic woman with those light chestnut eyes and her ravenous hair that flowed down to just above her shoulders. That smile, that damn beautiful smile, it was one of my favorite features on her, but nothing compared to her musical laugh. Yes, she was a beautiful woman but not just on the outside. Honestly, I only cared and loved her because of her personality. Her looks were just an extra thing that came with such a magnificent mind and kind heart.

  God, she was so amazing. I never cared that she would rather us just sit outside under a tree just talking. I liked doing that rather than something over done. I remember the first date, I took her on a hike into a beautiful clearing in the woods. It was just getting dark but she wasn't bothered by it because she loved the darkness, the moonlight that cascaded down upon us, and all the stars sparkling in the sky.

It was so peaceful, it felt tranquil just laying next to each other in silence, but talking in little bits, looking up at the night sky watching how the stars surrounded the moon. That was the night I compared her to the moon. She was always surrounded by darkness yet she was radiating with a pale light, even when small parts of her had fallen in the darkness for some moments, she still had that light within her. I realized then that I loved the moon. But the moon always turns completely dark every so often as did she.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2023 ⏰

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