Part 16 - That Spaceship Is In Good Enough Condition For Us To Use

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In Space, Outside Metropolis
After Simon and Jeanette got Theodore and Eleanor back from Team Cow-moo-flage, the Chipmunks and Chipettes all made there escape and started running back to their rocket
However on there way back to the rocket Team Cow-moo-flage dropped a bomb and the Chipmunks and Chipettes rocket was destroyed
"Oh No! Our Rocket Has Been Destroyed!" Called Jeanette
"What are we going to do now sister?" Brittany asked Jeanette in a worried voice
"I honestly don't know..." Replied Jeanette in a worried voice
Simon stood in front of Jeanette and put his paws on her shoulders
"Jeanette, we can't stand out here! We have to go back inside Metropolis and find somewhere to hide!" Explained Simon quickly
Jeanette nodded back at Simon and Simon looked at the rest of the group
"Come on everyone, we have to go back inside" called Simon
"What? Are you nuts! We can't go back inside, Team Cow-moo-flage will be on the lookout for us and we will get captured immediately!" Shouted Alvin
"Well do you have a better idea?" Asked Brittany
"Yeah, I say we find another kind of transport while we are outside and escape as soon as possible" replied Alvin
"That's a stupid idea Alvin, if we stop outside then Team Cow-moo-flage will be watching our every move" Brittany fired back
"You two stop arguing, we don't have time for this" Simon jumped in
Just then, a few troops from Team Cow-moo-flage came running out of Metropolis and Eleanor saw them
"Come on everyone, follow me" called Eleanor leading the group
The others saw the cows and followed Eleanor
"Spread out! They can't have gone far!" Said one of the cows
"We will look on foot and Commander Mooshu will probably be looking from onboard the ship! They can't escape!" Said another one of the cows
A fair distance away from Team Cow-moo-flage, the Chipmunks and Chipettes were sat hiding and discussing there opinions
"This is too much for me, should we just surrender to them?" Asked Theodore
"No Theodore, we will think of something don't worry" replied Alvin
"We can't surrender, if they get hold of me then they will destroy lots of innocent people on other planets" explained Towelie
Brittany then looked to her left and saw a White Spaceship nearby
The Spaceship was quite big and looked like it could hold a large group of people
"That Spaceship is in good enough condition for us to use" called Brittany pointing at the Spaceship
The others looked over at the Spaceship that Brittany was pointing at
"Brittany, that Spaceship probably belongs to someone and there could be people onboard already" called Alvin
"It doesn't look like it to me, it looks quite empty" replied Brittany
"Well don't get any ideas, we are not going to steal it" explained Simon
Brittany sighed, stood up and started walking
"Where are you going sister?" Asked Jeanette
"I'm going to see if anyone is onboard that Spaceship, if no one is onboard then we could use it to get away" replied Brittany
"Are you crazy? That's way too dangerous" said Jeanette
"Well it's either get onboard that Spaceship and have a chance of escape or we wait around for Team Cow-moo-flage to find us and take us prisoner" explained Brittany
Jeanette looked over at Eleanor and Eleanor shrugged her shoulders
Brittany then turned around and continued walking towards the Spaceship
Once Brittany got to the door she pulled it open and walked inside
"Jeanette, I don't like the thought of Brittany been in there alone" said Eleanor
"Me neither let's go and look around the Spaceship with backup" replied Jeanette
Simon then grabbed Jeanette's arm
"Your not seriously going to go inside that Spaceship are you?" Asked Simon
"Well yeah, I mean my sister is in there and I can't just sit here. She could get hurt" replied Jeanette
"You could get hurt. There could be armed and dangerous people inside" said Simon
"Well come with me then, you are supposed to be my strong brave man" replied Jeanette with a giggle
Simon blushed at Jeanette's comment while Alvin and Theodore had a quick laugh
"OMG! You guys! Help! Help!!!" Screamed Brittany
"Brittany sounds like she is in trouble! I'm coming Brittany!" Shouted Alvin jumping to his feet and running to the Spaceship
Jeanette and Eleanor followed Alvin, but Simon said he would wait with Theodore and Towelie outside
Alvin Jeanette and Eleanor all run inside the Spaceship and the three of them spread out to look for Brittany
After a minute or so, Jeanette had found Brittany
"Brittany what's wrong?" Asked Eleanor running to her sister
"I saw it! It was a...a..." Started Brittany
"A what?" Asked Eleanor
"It was a spider! You and Jeanette both know I don't like spiders!" Replied Brittany
"Is that all you screamed about?" Asked Eleanor
"What do you mean was that all I screamed about? Seeing a spider is a big deal to me" replied Brittany
Eleanor gave a sigh of relief
Alvin and Jeanette had found Brittany and Eleanor after hearing them talking
"Is everything ok?" Asked Alvin in a worried voice
"Yeah, Brittany just saw a spider that's all" replied Eleanor with a giggle
"Don't scare us like that again sister" called Jeanette in a happier voice
Back outside the Spaceship, things were not looking too good
"Should we go inside the Spaceship and make sure Alvin and the girls are ok?" Asked Theodore
"Ok fine, I will go first then you can follow..." Started Simon
"Commander Mooshu, I found them! I found two of the rodents and the towel!" Shouted one of the cows
"Oh no we have been spotted!" Called Towelie
"Quick inside the Spaceship" called Simon
Simon Theodore and Towelie all run towards the Spaceship
A couple more of the cows arrived and there were now three cows from Team Cow-moo-flage coming after the Chipmunks Chipettes and Towelie
Simon Theodore and Towelie come charging in the Spaceship and Simon slammed the door behind him
"What's wrong with you three? I thought you was waiting outside" called Alvin in a confused voice
"Team Cow-moo-flage have found us and we are under attack!" Shouted Simon
Alvin and the Chipettes all started to panic too
"Simon, help me fly this thing we need to get away now" called Jeanette
Simon and Jeanette run upstairs to the main room to find the control panel
"I will go outside and distract Team Cow-moo-flage" called Alvin
"Ok, but I will go with you" replied Brittany
"What? Are you sure?" Asked Alvin
"Yeah I'm sure, two of us will be harder to get then just one" replied Brittany
Alvin opened the Spaceship door and him and Brittany jumped outside in front of the three cows
"Catch us if you can!" Shouted Alvin
While two of the cows were after Alvin and Brittany the other one was trying to smash the Spaceship door down
"Jeanette, have you any idea how to fly this thing?" Asked Simon
"No not really, how about you?" Replied Jeanette
"Not a clue..." Replied Simon
"I can fly the Spaceship, I can connect up to the control panel and fly the Spaceship myself" Towelie jumped in
"Really? That's amazing!" Called Jeanette
Towelie placed a wire into his body close to his data chip and after a few seconds, he was connected to the Spaceships controls
"Ok, I can take off when your ready" said Towelie
"Eleanor, go and tell Alvin and Brittany we are ready to go" called Jeanette
Eleanor made her way back downstairs and to the front door
Once she opened the door she shouted "Alvin! Brittany! Come back inside we are going!"
Alvin and Brittany dodged a few more blasts from the cows before making there way back to the Spaceship
Brittany dashed towards the Spaceship and safely made it back inside
Alvin was on his way too, but as he was running one of the cows pulled out a dart gun
The cow fired the dart gun and managed to get Alvin in his right arm with a poisonous dart
Alvin fell to and called "Ow! That hurts! What was that!"
"Alvin!" Called Brittany in a worried voice
Brittany run out of the Spaceship and straight to Alvin
She grabbed hold of him and helped him up
"Are you ok?" Asked Brittany running with Alvin
"Yeah, I'm fine...I don't feel much different aside from some small pain" replied Alvin
Alvin and Brittany hopped into the Spaceship and Eleanor closed the door behind them
"Once we are safe I'm going to get Jeanette to check you out" said Brittany
"Brittany I'm fine, you don't need to do that" replied Alvin pulling the poisonous dart out of his arm
"But I want to be sure your ok, we don't know what was in that dart they fired at you" called Brittany
The cows were firing at the Spaceship outside and more cows were making there way to the Spaceship
"Simon, we have to go now! Or we will get blown to pieces!" Called Jeanette
"Towelie, fly the Spaceship! Now!" Commanded Simon
Towelie started the engines and the Spaceship took off
"Don't lose that Spaceship!" Shouted one of the cows
Towelie warned everyone to hold on tight and then the Spaceship flew away from Metropolis and went into Hyper-speed
Within seconds, the Spaceship had travelled a huge distance and Team Cow-moo-flage had lost them
"That darn towel got away! I swear next time we find that towel I will kill them six rodents and make sure the towel is in my hands" called Commander Mooshu to his cow troops
With The Chipmunks and Chipettes
"Hooray! We made it guys!" Called Theodore
"Barely, we had a lucky escape" said Simon
"Team Cow-moo-flage will be looking for us now though" said Jeanette
"Guess we made enemies in Space" called Eleanor
"Well now we are safe, we can get you checked out" Brittany told Alvin
"Brittany, I said I would be fine. There is no need to worry so much" replied Alvin
"But I do worry Alvin, I love you and care about you. Please let my sister get you checked out, to make sure your really ok" said Brittany with a smile and putting a paw on Alvin's shoulder
"Ok, I will let your sister look at me and make sure nothing bad is happening to me" replied Alvin with a smile
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked this part. Now the Chipmunks and Chipettes have a Spaceship to travel in, what will they do next? Do you think they will spend some time relaxing onboard the Spaceship? Or do you think they will look for another planet to explore? Also, do you think Alvin will be ok? Or will the poisonous dart have some bad effects on Alvin soon?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Also, If you liked this part, don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below 👇
Thanks again for reading and I will update again as soon as possible 😋🎉

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