Meeting his Gang

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After Giorno's Gang stops firing at the wave, you move on to his ship.

Kouki: Hooooly shit, wow this is so amazing! thanks Y/N!

Y/N : No problem Kouki, the best I could do for a fren like you.

Giorno: Ok If you could stop fawning over this boat, i'd like to introduce you to my gang.

???: " Your gang, Gio Boi?"

Giorno: sorry bruno, I was just trying to make an impression on the contest winners, espicially at this mademoiselle. * points at Y/N *

Y/N's cheeks turn a bright shade of red.

???: Ah so you must be the contest winner, I'm Bruno Buccerati, nice to meet you.

Y/N: Nice to meet you too Bruno, my name is Y/N. *whispers* " FYI I saw your gangs stands, well most of them. * points at another ???*"

???: why are you pointing at me.

???: I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Leone Abacchio

Bruno: This is my gang, over here is the weaponry guys

Narancia: Hey

Mista: why do you have four suitcases:

Bruno: don't mind him, he just hates the number 4, finally our last member you haven't met i-

Y/N: Mr. Pancotta Fugo, and a cool weird guy hanging over him saying his name is " Purple Haze" or something like that.

Fugo: ah it seems like someone is a knowledgeable woman.

Y/N I have a special Ability too and two. one of them is that I am able to speak with those special abilities that you all have called stands. The other is a stand called ocean man, they can manipulate the water in my favor.

Everyone except Gio, Y/N and Kouki: wait the wave we were shooting at, IT WAS YOU!.

Y/N: Yeah ;)

after a while everyone got accquainted with each other. So, passione set off on its journey with the Gang.



Jotaro: please don't give him a hard time about this DIO

back to normal place


A/N: one in this universe DIO decided not to be a dick to the joestars and actually became good friends. also there will be an author insert with the stand of [Crustacean Techno]

i'll be back for more, until next time keep on fighting your gold.

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