Chapter 5

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Sicilia’s prospective

Once we arrived I took refuge my room. Problem was you can’t really hide from yourself. I couldn’t focus on anything I couldn’t escape my own emotions. The pane the fear the anger the feeling of helplessness they were all fighting for the main position in my brain. The whirlwind  wind was turning in to something ugly. And I had enough awareness to try and fight it but in the end my resistance only fuelled the blood frenzy further.

Lauralile’s  prospective

I am not sure what initially prompted me to head back towards the castle. I had been enjoying  the peacefulness of on small clearance in the forest. But once I was half way back I could hear the screams. I broke in to vampire speed. Once inside I started tracking the smell of fear until turning one corner I saw it. Samuel was sitting if I could call it that against one wall. His body was crushed in what looked to be a painful position and blood was streaming from a gash on his head. But his eyes were open. He was conches that was good. My eyes then drifted to the next figure laying on the ground. Closer to her, Frederick lay and as I watched his hand moved a little. I think he was trying to crawl away. Sicilia’s foot landed viciously on his hand. My eyes finally unwillingly drew to her face. I new what I would see there but it still hit me when I saw it. Blood frenzy was a power full and unanimously feared thing. Her face could not be striped of all beauty but it was know the perverted beauty of a monster. She bit again in to the human she was holding. This time her teeth sunk in to the curve of Lucy’s breast. I wasn’t sure whether the girl was dead by the limp way she stood in Sicilia’s arms. I had to admit it was a possibility. It explained why the screams had stopped a few seconds after I stepped in the castle. I fervently gave a prayer to the goddess that Lucy was only unconscious and I wasn’t going to risk my life for nothing.

“Sicilia” I said in a strong voice looking straight at her. For a few seconds she didn’t respond. And I got worried I would have to do something drastic to focus her attention on me. Like maybe pull her by the hair. But then her black eyes focused on me. She dropped Lucy on the ground like a rag doll and stepped over her prowling towards me. There was more a tiger in her gate now then there ever had been. Her fangs didn’t retract another sine of blood frenzy.

“Lauralile” And there was sweet midnight in her voice. I had never heard that voice before, It made my cock stiffen in anticipation of long nights and the most sensual of acts.

She was right in front of me now. Though I looked her in the eyes I was scared and so made a step back my back hitting a wall. Sicilia or what was using her body only smiled at me. She stretched her hand brushing the marks on my cheek so gently.

“Mine” she hissed it as her hand went down my neck pausing at my pulse point and then continuing to my shirt. Her nails sharpened then and she made a long slash down my chest. First I thought she must have tarred half my chest  with that move but as seconds passed and I didn’t feel pain I looked down. My shirt was hanging around in tatters revealing my bear chest but my skin wasn’t marred. That through me back a little and even more what she did next. Sicilia grabbed my hair pushing my head back while grinding herself even closer to me. A breath later her fangs fastened to my neck. It felt. I couldn’t really explain how it felt. It was pain and yet it was pleasure. It was fire and yet it was ice. It was love and yet it was  hate. It was everything and nothing. Between the onslaught of feelings and sensations I heard her. I heard Sicilia. A quiet voice really drowned out by the blood frenzy but I heard it.

She was repeating over and over “No, no, no, no, no, no now he is going to leave us no, no, no stop it.” Soon that voice faded replaced by the pounding in my years. I was loosing way too much blood. And as that thought went through my head the world fell in to darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2012 ⏰

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