Chapter 1: Dear Diary ❤

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I just don't think people like me that much. To be honest nobody really ever notices me anyway, is it just because I'm a hybrid? Maybe...

Yes, you read that right. I'm a hybrid, there are different types of hybrids. I may be able to write some here in my diary but not all of them, they're too many to even count.

The type of hybrid I am though is one of a kind. For almost ten thousand years we didn't even have a hybrid like me, I don't know how I'm even a hybrid. But the type of hybrid I am is a:

Devil, angel, mermaid, vampire, wolf, Phoenix, ghost and how I disguise myself is because my parents are humans, I don't know how all their children are hybrids. So I have the ability to hide as a 'normal' human.

Most people are scared of hybrids and call us monsters though and I'm sure moving to this new school I can teach some about hybrids first, then they might not be as scared. It's only hope, but I'm giving positive hope!

Some hybrids include:
Vampires                                            (rare)
Wolves                                                (rare)
Phoenix                                              (rare)
Mermaid                                            (rare)
Angel                                                   (rare)
Devil/Demon                                     (rare)
Dogs                                            (common)
Cats                                             (common)
Bunnies                                              (rare)
Deer                                                     (rare)
Bears                                          (common)
Birds                                           (common)
Ghosts                                                 (rare)
Fish                                             (common)

(There are more, but I can't say all of them. There are just too much to write)

Although... People did figure out some things about me. Thanks to one of my ex-friends.

I used to be friends with Vivian, who also moved to this school, but lately, she's been spreading crazy rumours about me and talking behind my back. (Glad I moved to a new school, nobody knows me)

Now I don't trust others right away and can't exactly control myself when things happen to me. I could start something physical if you're not careful. Don't even try to get me angry.

I guess it's just something about me. My kind of hybrid, when I get mad I turn into a devil and I can't control myself. But I don't ever know what I do either so I guess it's not totally my fault. It's kind of like when I'm a devil/demon, I'm possessed.

All devil/demon hybrids at some point are uncontrollable, so don't blame me. There really isn't a point to it anyway. But if you are a devil there is no chance to be an only child because you'll have either an angel sister or angel brother to control your anger. Although something about me, I have more than just an angel sister. If you can ever believe that I have many more then it's the truth.

Olivia is my twin sister. She's also a very rare hybrid, Olivia is a phoenix-ghost hybrid. Meaning she can go through walls (or anything really) if she wants to. Liv can also have fire coming out of her when she gets angry. So she's usually the one who makes sure I don't get angry and vice versa. With that, we never leave each other's sides, it's like somehow were just not able to go a day without being next to each other. But at least we both love it!

I have to end this entry here, I have class in a few, and I wouldn't want to be late on my first day. So I'll write here later. (Maybe during class, my teachers usually think I'm doing my work. Once one of them came over but that's not the point. I'll write again in my first class)

Quote to end writing:
"I'm not actually crazy, I am only giving you the gift of my uniqueness. Respect it, respect me"

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