Heaven Couldnt Wait For You😭‼️

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This chapter will only be August Pov

⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ This Chapter Is Going To Be Very Emotional‼️ As Y'all Know August Lost His Brother Mel A Couple Of Years Ago And Was Left To Take Care Of Chandra And Their 3 Beautiful Girls But Unfortunately Chandra Passed Away December 25 2018 To Cancer This Chapter Is Dedicated to Both Mel And Chandra💕🕊 May Your Souls Continue To Rest In Peace

⚠️ WARNING ⚠️  This Chapter Is Going To Be Very Emotional‼️ As Y'all Know August Lost His Brother Mel A Couple Of  Years Ago And Was Left To Take Care Of Chandra And Their 3 Beautiful Girls But Unfortunately Chandra Passed Away December 25 2018 To...

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August POV

Haven't been myself for the last past two months I cut everybody off I been depressed with a lot of shit on my mind a coupa Years ago I lost my brother Mel 💔🕊 his death hit me the hardest I couldn't do anything without my brother mane I wanted him with me with his girlfriend and children but I knew I had to be the man and raise them girls make sure they straight and their mama straight they all my girls I know that was what Mel would want me to do. I been coping with Mel death but On Christmas Day Of 2018 my heart was broken again I was devastated once again my sis Chandra Passed due to cancer man I can't even function right my Neices lost both of their parents 😭 that's not fair man I feel like god is taking away all of the people that I love💔 I was sitting by Chandra grave I just want to know why? Why did you have to go?💔 I Was Sitting There Just Looking At Her Until I Started Talking to Her Chandra... My Sister, My friend, life giver to my nieces, my hair magician, my biggest supporter, my number one fan. We lost such a beautiful soul on Christmas Night To the battle with cancer. I am Utterly devastated & Deeply shattered! Not only for myself, but for my 3 little nieces, whom are now robbed of BOTH parents. First they killed Mel, Now Cancer has stolen you. What is life? Why is life? Why is THIS life? I'm calling on God for the answers. I don't question God but THIS I'm not in agreement with. After Mel left I was always pushing you and hard on you about figuring out life's direction & purpose for yourself..encouraging your entrepreneurship with mostly my fear speaking. Afraid & wanting my nieces to see an example of hustle, drive, determination and confidence through you so that they'd follow suit as young women.... & ALL along you were PERFECT! Living in your perfect purpose. The perfect mother, the perfect friend, the perfect sister, the perfect listener, the perfect caregiver, the perfect example of a young black woman traumatized by the ruins of our cultural upbringing trying their damndest to push to evolve and overcome fear while trying to raise 3 precious little innocent lives &'figure out a life your own at the same time. Before you left You asked me to guard & raise these girls, & I promise you I don't even know where to begin. I am at a lost & am desperately craving and crazing to be found, so please send some signs, help us out. I have trouble accepting the fact that you're gone, so it'll be like we're just going for a while without seeing each other. Someday hopefully I'll find you where you are, where Peace is. Please say hello to Melvin & hug him for me, & just ask God to cover the emotions of the girls and allow their hearts to be open, accepting and able to receive love. Ask God to expand my capacity because right now I'm maxed out. Lord knows I'm still raising myself but I guess it's officially official...I'm a DAD now & I have 3daughters, & i don't know the slightest thing about it or where to start but unfortunately I/we know loss too well. Rest In Peace my dearest sweet sister..You made it out of this hell hole. ❤️ (These Are actually August Words)

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