Ice Cream ( part 1)

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It was a beautiful Saturday morning. Also meaning no school thank heavens. You were in your bed just chilling (or in other terms sleeping in) when suddenly your phone blasted an upbeat ringtone telling you that BFF/N(best friend's name) sent you something. So you rolled over,picked up your phone, unlocked it, went to your social media, and blew your marbles when you saw the most interesting thing ever.

C/N. The name sent you butterflies in your stomach. In the picture, that Bff/N sent you, is him eating the most delicious ice cream ever(A/n: the ice cream seems more appealing than your crush XD). It's so breathtaking how his H/C hair shines in the light, his E/C eyes sparkled with laughter and hope and that dazzling smile. Oh how you wish you were the cause of that smile. You quickly texted back:

Y/N: Bff/N get ready to meet at the shop in 30 min.

Bff/N: Already knew you were going to say that. On my way.

After that, you got ready to make this man your future husband I-I mean boyfriend.

(Time skip brought to you by Happy from Fairy Tail)

When you both got to the shop, you got nervous.

"What if I make a fool of myself and then die alone forever with no one?"you worried.

"Y/N, don't say that you are the best person ever and if C/N doesn't see it, he's not worth it. Besides we all know it's still food before dudes anyways." your friend said.
"Thanks BFF/N you're the best. Okay let's do it!" You said with courage.

You took a deep breath, went in, saw C/N with his friends at a booth and sped towards the bathroom with anxiety telling you that you failed and that it saw that coming.

A/N: If someone's reading this , thanks for actually caring to take your time reading this even though you should be living life.Oh what the heck live life and eat food is what I always say. And the second part will be later today or tomorrow.

Sorry if it's a bit bad. First start for a book.

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