Chapter 2

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I woke up on Monday and started my usual routine. When I got to first period, there was a new seating chart on the board. I found my name, and went to my seat. I looked back at the board, and saw Cameron’s name next to mine. He came up, looked at the board, and sat next to me, smiling. I didn’t know if he was smiling because he was happy to sit by me, or because he’s always happy. Either way, I liked it. Mrs.M looked at us. “Well as long as I put you two together, I might as well put it at the same table as always.” I smiled. Every time we changed seats, and ended up sitting with each other, it was always at the same table.

The bell rang, and we started class. About ten minutes in, Ethan came in with McDonalds. Just like every other day he was late. Of course, he sat at our table. I wouldn’t mind it, if he didn’t always reek of smoke. He wasn’t there half the time, so it didn’t really matter. The thought scared me though. Being alone at a table with Cameron. Granted whenever we had a work day, Xavian would probably come sit by us. Either way, it was different. We finished our lesson then started a worksheet. I got out my phone, put in one headphone, and turned on Pandora. I set it down, and Cameron looked at it. A few questions in, I grabbed my phone, to use it as a calculator, setting it back down whenever I was done. Every time Cameron would look at it. The next week went like this, and of course I was too scared to talk to him. That was until Thursday.

We were working on some problems, and I finished early. I started texting my friend, and after a few minutes, Cameron finished too. I didn’t know he was done, so when he grabbed my phone it didn’t startle me. Usually, he used it as a calculator and I didn’t mind. When he set it back down, I saw a message. “Hey” I smiled, and typed back. “Hi.” He looked at the clock, realizing there was only a few minutes left in class. He typed fast. “I’m struggling with math, and I can’t get another bad grade on a quiz, so do you think you can help me? My number is 1-847-222-2323, text me next period?” I read it, and nodded, as the bell rang. It felt like I was floating down the stairs, because of how happy I was. I arrived to my class, sat in my seat, and stared at his number. I wanted to text him, but I was too shocked of what had happened. About half way through the period I texted him. “Hey.”

I sat there doing my work, when a message popped up. “Hey” I smiled, “What do you need help with?” About ten minutes later I got a response. “Math I don’t get what we just learned and I can’t get another bad grade on a quiz or test otherwise my dad will kill me. I was wondering if after school you could help me with it” I sat there staring at the text. After a few minutes I finally responded. “Yeah, I’ll ask if I can stay after school and we can meet in the commons.” About 5 minutes later the bell rang, I got my stuff together, and continued my day. At the end of fourth period, we were waiting by the door for the bell to ring. He walked over to me. “Hey did you find out if you can stay after?” “Yeah my dad said it was fine. I’ll meet you on the common stairs after 8th period.” He smiled at me and nodded, so I smiled back. The bell rang, and I went through my day, just waiting for it to end. All I wanted was to be in the commons with him, even it was just to help with math work.

Finally the final bell rang. I grabbed my bag from off the ground, and walked slowly to the commons. He was already there, sitting on the bottom stair. I sat down next to him, but angled myself so I was facing him. We waited for the majority of people to leave, and then moved to a table, and started working. He took out his review packet, and we sat there working on it. When we finished all the problems, I glanced at him. “So, do you get it now? Or do you want more examples.” He looked up at me, and smiled. “I get most of it, but I still don’t get the inequality systems.”  I took out a notebook, and a worksheet we did in class. Writing down problems, for him to solve. After a couple he looked up, “I get it now.” I nodded and put away all my things, pulling out my phone to text my dad. “Will you please come get me?” A couple minutes later he texted back. “At the store be there in 20 minutes.

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