Author's note

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Hey guys! Exciting new, BOUND TO YOU will be downpriced across all online retailers during the month of October and it was selected as a Kindle Monthly Deal. Whoowhoo! Perfect as fall is the best time to catch up on some reading. So grab your favorite e-reader, some hot chocolate and snuggle up and enjoy a great read!


Hi all! I'm back! Sorry I haven't posted in...?? forever. I was working on my book for Swoonread (not the sequel to Bound To You, but a new series) and since I'm now an adult (how did this happen?) I have an actual job sucking up my time and creative juices.

Anyways, I'm back. I got a few chapters written on this and am back in Megan's world, working on giving her story a proper ending. As those of you who bought and read BOUND TO YOU know there was a lot of things left unfinished which I want to fix. It was also quite a bit fluffier than The Hard Mate (originally posted here on Wattpad some years ago), which I'm in retrospect not super happy with and want to change. So UNBOUND is going to be different from Bound To You. Basically what I'm going for is greyer characters -Darker & Edgier - challenging some tropes from both my own book and other popular works of fiction.

There will be death, sex and betrayals (but frighteningly little rock and roll). Also evil witches, controlling assholery, change of hearts and characters making the wrong choice. In fact, I think some of you would just be better of not reading this at all. Because it's going to make some of you cry or scream "WHY!!" while just pissing others off. So yeah, you have been warned. And also, Adult Content coming up.

Unbound (Bound To You sequel)Where stories live. Discover now