Chapter 3

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        At the layer In jewelys house

(Jewleys P.O.V)
Sorry this will be one of the only first person chapters

        (Please don't be the choice....PLease don't be the choice) I thought to myself out side my dad's layer. My dad (Aka the devil if you didn't get thet all ready) walks out of the room.

"She's the choice" He says with no hesitation. No if, or, ands, or buts.

"GOD DAMNIT" I scream at the top of my lungs. My powers started to kick in. I shot up and hopped on the wall and start to hit it as hard as i can. My shin turned to a light red cool darker then the bright orange of fire. my eyes turn completly red. As red as the demon inside of me. My hair turns to fire. It was as hot as the fire's from hell. I felt a tear run down my face it hurt. I feel to the ground on my back screaming in pain.

"What is up with you, your part demon" he said confused

"AHHHHHHHH I DON'T KNOW" I said. The tears stopped and the pain went away. My powers stopped and I calmed down. "Just go kill her......... Less time for me to wait" I told him

"You have too not me" He said walking away. I don't remeber what happened after that. Its all just a blur to me.

(An hour after my freak out)

"W-w-what happened" I said.

"You got so sad and freaked out about killing your friend you freaked out and passed out. Your getting feelings what happened to you."

"I dont know" After i said that my dad left. I sat down in my room. I was so confused about what just happened. Why me? Why her? Why do i have to kill her? As that last question rolled through my head i realised somthing. I dont know what "the choice" actually is. I dont know why there is one ethier. I cant believe i never asked any questions about it. I guess i just allways was raised knowing about the choice. I grew up with it so i guess it felt normal. Till now. I tried to exit my room but my dad locked it. So i went to ancient history to deal with this. I grabbed a book from my bookshelf and started to read.

In the book
The choice
The choice is a ancient practice to show the devils childs bravery.

The choice is usually the childs best friend. Usually a mortal.

The choice tends to come along when the child is developing feelings. This causes crying. Freak outs. Black outs. Powers intencing.

If the child does not kill "the choice" somthing will happen. Nobody knows what will happen cause no child has ever saved the choice.

Children are taught from birth that her family needs the blood of the choice to live. Nobody knows if thats true.

First the child has to gather blood from a person to find out if he or she is the choice. From the time they find out there is a 3 week period to how long they can wait or somthing will happen.

I close the book right there. My questions have been answered. But another question has came to mind. What will happen to me or my family if i dont. I went to sleep thinking about it. I couldn't get that one thought out of my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2015 ⏰

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