11- Shocked

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The rest of that day went on pretty normally. At lunch it was just me, Lexy and Greg. I don't think it would be smart if Ricky sat with us so he sat with some friends he made. I didn't see Chance today expect for after school, he was hugged up with some gir. The thing is I don't really care becaus we were never anything serious and my fall back game strong.

The only reason I agreed to this dinner is because Rosalyn did want to meet me before everything happened. It would be rude if I said no and that's just not me. Ricky was happy I said yes. I'm not sure if I should give Ricky another chance or not. He has a lot of baggage that comes with his presence. Not saying I don't because I do but all the girls and stuff I'm not with that.

I haven't told Greg about the dinner yet and hell I don't need too. But it would be respectful considering he's letting me stay with him. I'm gonna tell him right before I leave so he can't talk me out of it. Greg has that effect on me I promise. After school Greg took me to Cold Stone for some ice cream, I love that place. He then ran me home so I could get clothes and all that stuff. I was glad Eric wasn't home, I can't face him after what happened this morning. I drove my car to Greg's house after I was done so then I wouldn't have to depend on him for the time I stayed at his house. When I got to Greg's house I put all my stuff away then went to talk to Ms. Peterson. She pretty much told me I could stay there as long as I want. I'm like the daughter she always wanted. Greg's parents split a few years back but they're both still in his life.

Greg was doing homework while I was getting ready for the dinner tonight. I took close to a 30 minute shower. I decided to wear a white laced dress that stopped at my mid thigh, beige Lita heels, gold hoop earrings and my mom's locket and did curls in my hair, simple. I applied make up my purple bruise heavier this time so it wasn't noticeable.

I looked in the mirror and I was looking bad I'm telling you. I took a lot of pictures and posted one to Instagram. The caption read 'You don't own me' had to throw a little shade. I texted Ricky to tell him I'm ready. I step out the bathroom to find Greg playing GTA 5. He looked at me and his eyes lit up almost instantly.

"See something you want?" I giggled while saying.

"Yes, I see a lot of something I want. You look amazing Yana." He got up after pausing the game. "Where are you going looking so damn beautiful?" He grabbed my waist and pulled me close.

"Thanks Greggie and I have a dinner to go to."


"I'm meeting Ricky's sister Rosalyn." As soon as he heard the name Ricky he was pissed. He let me go and backed up a few feet.

"I thought you was done with dude?" He's pissed you can tell by his tone.

"I am or was I don't know. I might give him another chance."

"You keep giving this dude breaks after all his fuck ups and he's gonna walk all over you! And knowing you, you'll probably let him!" Now I'm pissed, I'm nice I know but I'm defiantly not weak!

"Oh so now I'm weak? Nobody is gonna walk over me I can fucking promise you that! And as long as your black you will never disrespect me like that!" He must of lost all his damn marbles.

"He's gonna hurt you Ayana but can't see because you're blind by his damn looks! He's not right for you Ayana, you could do some much better!"

"Who's better? Give me names. You don't even know the guy and you're judging him. Way to go Greg, you want a prize?"

"I'm fucking better to you than any of these other niggas out here period! I fucking love you and yo know that! This 'best friend' shit is just a front becuase you and I both know we want something more than that. Who else loves you like I do? Don't know? I didn't think so. I want you to be mines! I can't hold back these feelings I have toward you anymore they're to fucking strong." He just took me by surprise dude, I have no words right now.

"Uh I don-"

"You don't have to say a damn thing just go to the dinner. Give dude another chance and when he hurts you I can't promise I'll be here for you to save the day." With that he went back to his game.

"Greg. . . . Greg. . . . Greggie answer me!" He was ignoring me. I got a text from Ricky telling me he's outside. I was on my way out but before I left I sat on Greg's lap and gave him a kiss. He didn't kiss back but I understand why, Greg makes a lot of sense. Ricky might break my heart and it would be wrong if I cried on Greg's shoulder about it. I love Greg but if we do take it to that next level and things don't work out we might mess up the whole relationship. That scares the living shit out of me. I can't live without him. Greg and Lexy are my rock.

While I was walking to the door I got a notification from Instagram. Someone commented on my picture. @_323Chance : Coming to see daddy tonight? I don't have time for Chance so I just deleted the comment. I got in car and Ricky was dressed nice to. He wore black Tru's, grey sweater, Retro 1's and a sliver earring.

"You look gorgeous." Sweet but I don't want to talk to him really.

"Thanks so do you."

"I try." I smiled at him as he pulled off.

It's been about five minutes and all you heard was Drake's Nothing Was The Same album playing. I had a lot on my mind since Greg dropped that bomb on me tonight.

"You okay? You thinking very hard I see."

"I'm straight just nervous I guess."

"Nothing to be nervous about. My sister is gonna love you promise."

I nodded and smiled at him. I got a call from Chance. I ignored it but he called again so I just answered.

"Hello." I said annoyed.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing. What's up though?"

"Lulu and I wanted to see you again."

"For why?"

"I have to have a reason to see you?"

"I guess not, when?"

"Tomorrow after school? We can just chill at my house and watch movies if you cool with that."

"Alright tomorrow should be good."

"Aye Ayana."


"I know you saw me with that girl today. It's not what you think though."


"I swear, I'll explain tomorrow. My phone about to die. Bye my one and only."

"Bye." With that I hung up. I look over to see Ricky staring at me.


"Who was that?" Threw me off because who is he my father?

"Why does that concern you?"

"Answer me dude."

"Chance, why?"

"Why you meeting him tomorrow?"

"Again I ask why does that concern you?"

"Because you're mine and I don't want anyone's tongue down your throat if I haven't even kissed you yet."

"So you're mad because I hanging out with other dudes? Or because we never kissed?"

"Both, fuck." He said with the biggest attitude.

"Pull over."


"Just do it." He did as instructed. I undid my seatbelt and climbed into his lap. I gave him the most passionate kiss possible. We broke for air after a few minutes.

"You good now?" He just smiled. "Good now drive."

We drove about 10 more minutes before we got to her house. Here goes nothing.

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