20 Facts about me

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Aslamoalikom everyone

So as the title says, in this book I'll apparently include 20 facts about me as I was trapped in this "Tagged game" by:

the beautiful @WaVeSS

the amazing @EnchantedByIslam

my soul twin @Maya2627

Aaand my sweet yaar @amuchan98

Ummm... So let’s start and see how it will go ^_^

1. Forget about my real name. I don't say it in public *if u already know it, keep it ;)*

ehmm but on serious note, even in real life, a lot of people call me Mero.

2. Allah (SWT) Then Islam, my country, my parents and my only younger sister "despite driving me crazy sometimes" are the most important things in my life and I would die for them. Yeah this is how much I love them. alhamdulillah.

3. I'm hijabi alhamdulillah since I was 11. I didn't have to wear hijab back then but I wanted to and my parents were happy about this decision and supported me alhamdulillah.

4. I'm a medical student alhamdulillah. A thing that I've been dreaming of since I was a kid "Really" and Allah made it true, alhamdolillah. Though it's hard and sometimes it drives me insane "always actually", I can't imagine myself as anything else but a doctor so keep me in ur dua'a

5. People always tell me contradicting things about me when they describe me. I mean some describe me as friendly, cheerful and sociable while others describe me as shy, serious and sensitive. Some say I'm wise while others say I'm naughty and crazy.

Actually I'm all of this depending on the situation but few people have seen all these sides. U have to live with me to understand me, I guess .

6. When I feel down or bored, I either draw or write.

I love to sing from time to time and my voice isn't bad alhamdulillah but singing when I'm down depresses me more :/

7. Life taught me one important thing,  if u felt that there's someone better than u in something, always say mashaa Allah and believe that Allah granted u something this person doesn't have.

Also never to underrate anyone cuz maybe Allah loves this person more than He loves me!

8. When I was in high school, I was known as a math geek :D

I know math is a nightmare to a lot of people but... I'm just like Matt "my story's hero" :D

9. I have a cousin whom I consider as my sister but we fight all the time. Do u know this quote that says "There's a kind of love that can kill"? Well, we love eachother to this extent. I hate this love

10. I don't memorise actors' or actresses' name except if I watched more than four movies to this person. I never consider anyone of them as my idol or role model blablabla.

11. I love korean and Turkish series so much. Mexican is also nice but I'm not ready to waste 2 years of my life watching only 1 series where most of the actors would die. I mean setiously?

12. I have alhamdulillah many friends but few of them are my close friends (8 only). My sister comes as number 1. All my friends are of different backgrounds. 3 are Pakistanis, one of them is half Pakistani half Saudi, that's y I know Urdu. 1 is American of Yemeni Turkish Indian roots "long story ^_^' ". One is Palestinian, one is Indian and finally comes my Irish Egyptian friend who knows no Arabic and her English accent is PURELY Irish, which is really hard to understand.  Trust me! :D

13. I know four languages. I can write, read, and speak Arabic and English fluently alhamdulillah. I can write,  read and speak French but NOT fluently. It's hard to explain how but I will say I know 30-40% of French. I can speak Urdu no write no read :D but some people believe I'm pakistani ^_^

I'm learning Spanish and Turkish now and I pray to learn Italian and Korean in shaa Allah ;)

14. I'm crazy about pets, birds to be specific. I was eight when we had our first bird that was one winged, the other was broken. Why or How, now idea. Anyway, I named her after my name.

Then we had four more then 2 more then they all had eggs and bred then they all died leaving the first one alone for two years until she died. It was tragedic day that I won't ever 4get.

This actually made me promise not to have any pets again but just 2 years ago we had a fish "and it died too :( " soo I hope I'll keep this promise in the future in shaa Allah.

15. I don't like cats. I love dogs but from distance. Heheheh ^_^'

16. I hate songs. I do hear some but they keep on repeating themselves in my ear and brain that I wanna smack my head in the wall to get rid of them so I don't hear them as much. And no video clips 4 sure!! :p Astaghfirallah

17. Ummm... this is so hard :/

I think there r a lot of Muslims who don't seem to appreciate how much they r blessed to be Muslims and this makes me sad and more willing to show how Islam is great thru my actions. "But still I'm not a perfect Muslim :( "

18. I LOVE kids. No joke. Once I see them I start talking like them in a weird language but I think they get me ;)

19. I always dream of having an island where nobody but me is there. I imagine myself sitting on the warm sand, enjoying the view of sunset, the musical sounds of the wave and listening to sheikh Abdul Baset. I dunno y but his voice always remind me of this scene

20. I hate three things: lying,  hypocrisy, and back biting

I love four things: honesty, kindness, Modesty and mercy

So that's it!! I hope this wasn't boring!  I hope now know me better though I didn't write everything about me :p

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And the people who r tagged, I'm waiting to read 20 facts av

With this, I'll say salam and love you all ♥

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2014 ⏰

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