0] prologue

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The soft sounds of a pen scratching canvas paper bounces off the walls. I flick my hand back and forth, perfecting the loose strands of strawberry blonde hair in the sketch. I subconsciously raise the corners of my lips as each stroke of the pen fills the outlines. The door creaks open and a girl with luscious strawberry blonde locks cascading down her back strolls in. 


She dances lightly and elegantly on her feet towards me. She tousles my ash brown curls before sliding her right arm across my shoulders.

"Estella." I call out, tugging her fingertips.

I pick up the sketch and show her. On the paper, there is a brightly illuminated smiling Estella staring right back.

"Present for you."

She takes it into her hands and her mouth drops open, wide enough to fit a whole fist in. Her deep-sea green eyes expands so wide they almost form perfect circles. I can't help but let out a small chuckle at the cute reaction.

"I am framing this and keeping it forever." She says, jumping up and down slightly with excitement.

Carefully, she places the artwork on a nearby table before turning to me. With a wide smile she sprints towards me with her arms extended. Like a well-rehearsed play, my legs straighten and I twist my body to catch her embrace. She snakes her arms automatically around my waist and I wrap mine around her torso, trapping her in. This must've been our five thousandth hug since birth.

"Thank you, you're so talented." Her warm breath dances across my chest while she manages to squeeze me closer to her.

To this, I respond by stroking her hair gently and nestling my head atop her fluffy hair, where it fit like a missing puzzle piece finally matched. If only this moment would stay for a long time.

"Leo? Leo!"

A high-pitched whiny voice clouded my sweet daydream with the undesirable reality like a bucket of paint was thrown onto an oil canvas painting. I give the biggest eye roll before casting my gaze to the chic resting her head on my shoulder.

Her head's becoming unbearably heavy, but that's when I notice the bad sign. Her lips are pouted and her arms are folded. The complaining is coming for me.

"Why are you daydreaming when you're on a date with me?"

I called it.

"Hey Viv, sorry." I say, trying my best to sound apologetic.

She pulls away quickly and gives me a glare.

"Was it Estella again?"

I look away, towards the asphalt concrete. A feeling of guilt and shame fills my body with each passing second. The silence is deafening, I don't know what to say.

"Leo, let's break up."

The gaze I've been holding with the ground flickers back to Viv's face. I blink a few times, slowly processing what she had just said. She wants to break up? Then why are her eyes sparkling under the sunlight with tears struggling to stay within her eyes?

"Viv are you sure-"

"Goodbye Leo."

She runs away. I don't chase after her. I wait for the realisation to hit me, but it feels like it never will. There is no feeling of heart ache, only guilt. Guilt for leading her on, for lying. I'm such a jerk.

"Leo, you okay?"

I can recognise that voice from miles away.

"Estella." I breath out and turn slowly to the back.

Her beautiful eyes of the ocean pull me in and saps out all logical thoughts from my mind. With a few strides, she stops in front of me to crane her head upwards and scans my face from top to bottom. Using both her hands, she sandwiches my face and brings my face to her. She tiptoes and leans so close our noses graze one another almost like an eskimo kiss.

"Leo." She breathes out my name softly.

My whole body tingles from the top of my head to the tips of each finger and toe. I felt it, at this moment. A sensational heartbeat.

My heart was pounding loudly against my ribcage that if we were any closer, Estella would've felt it. My eyes fall onto her appealing lips. I inch myself nearer to the point my nose is tapping against her cheek. Only a few millimetres away from her lips, I pull away and let out a breath I have been holding in the entire time.

What was that?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2019 ⏰

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