A young girl named Daivry Remorsse lives in her own world. A dark twisted place where the trees would whisper her name, lands stretched far in eternal night, and one's dream tower over a tear shaped lake.
She had her parents to thank for all this. They loved her so much that they feared visiting her would make the world fall apart. It's been a couple years since they've seen her, or has it? Time wasn't important anymore in this place. On the way, Daivry will meet a strange girl and she wasn't like anyone she's ever met before, striking Daivry with curiosity. The girl's name is Mira. Daivry and Mira will be very good friends. Mira has something to tell Daivry, but Mira finds out Daivry's long kept secret. Will Mira be able to help open her friend's eyes? And escape an evil force that's been trying to break into Daivry's world? Will they be able to make it out in time, or will they fall as the last howl mourns in the dark....