#3 Inheritance

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{Tbags POV}

It was Saturday, I looked in the mirror and slicked my hair back and fixed my jacket. I took a deep breath and looked deeply into the mirror before groaning and slamming my fist into it, watching the shards fall to the ground. I panted hard, harsh words raced through my mind like a steam train. 'She's using you' 'how could she ever be with someone like you?' I slapped my head a couple of times and the voices went away. I stood straight and walked out the door, racing down the stairs out of the tower block and I stared into the distance, I crossed the road hastily and walked into the flower shop. I saw a small bouquet of roses and quickly snatched them along with a bag to hold them. I tried not to spend to much money, although I had 5 million stashed away I didn't want to cause any suspicion. I paid for the items and raced out, I was going to be late. I observed the note Shannon gave me a couple of days before '3:15' I looked at my watch, 3:02. I ran towards my car and quickly hopped in, starting the engine and driving to my destination.

{Shannon's POV}

I brushed my soft hair into the correct hair style and observed myself and my outfit of choice. I mean I have to swoon him somehow right? I pulled my skirt up a little higher, barely covering my butt, just how I know he will like it. I grab my keys off my dresser and exit the house, the destination was a 6 minute walk so I began to walk to my destination.

{Third Person POV}

T-bag was the first to arrive, he was waiting patiently by the gushing fountain, checking his watch every few minutes and tapping his foot impatiently. Shannon appeared behind him and tapped his shoulder. "Missed me?" She whispered lightly into his ear and he quickly snaps round and smiled. "Thought you weren't gonna come." Tbag chuckled and handed her the roses and the bag, she giggles excitedly and takes them. "Well aren't you romantic." Shannon smiled softly towards him. "Now I wanna know why you've dragged me down here." Tbag questioned her. "I thought you might want an explanation for that note I gave you." She smiled and reached into his back pocket, snatching the rose made from paper from his pocket. "As to when I became so, as you say "twisted'. Walk with me." She smiled and walked through the streets along with Tbag. "I was 12 now a 12 year old girl would typically be into boys, makeup, fashion and all of that. I was into the more dark side to the web, creepy stories and videos about murders and torture. I felt grossed out by it but I couldn't seem to take my eyes off of it." She ticked her hair behind her ears and looked towards him, his emotions where blank. "So, at first I'd make little model torture devices. Tell my parents it was for a history project. Then I used some of the money I inherited from my grandfather and I hired an abandoned cabin. I fixed the water pipes and the electrical lines, I needed them of course. And I made sure the cabin was as always hot. Now at this point I was 12 so it was hard to get this sort of equipment but luckily I was an early developer, and I was tall for my age. Faking an ID wasn't too hard. So I got all the tools and materials I needed and got to work. It took months just one make one of my many contractions, the first one being an electric chair but the levels of power that where used couldn't kill a person. Only send them into shock. And I continued making my devices until finally I had what I needed. I started making friends at school and leading them off to the cabin, their are no cameras in my neighbourhood and theirs a curfew for everyone to be indoors. So it was a perfect opportunity. I said to any of the students I used if they talked I would find their family and kill them. One girl didn't believe me and said she was going to tell the authorities. So I left and went to her house and knocked on the door, I told the family that she was in trouble and she wouldn't leave this little cabin. They all rushed to her rescue but the second the father, the mother and the older brother entered they tripped over a wife and a overly large machete controlled by a camera so then it could adjust to height slashed their heads off. They dropped to the floor like a ton of bricks. Little did I know their was a big sister and she called the police and I was arrested. I was prosecuted as an adult and was doing life. But then a week later a female came to visit me, told me should could strike me a deal. If her company could take the devices off my hands, they'd let me go. So I did so. But when I got out 24 hours later I was bunged in a van, they told me I worked for them now." She chuckled slightly frustrated. "So they taught a 12 year old girl how to defend herself. And trained me for situations where if I was holding information and I'm in a situation were it's information or death then I must choose death. They broke me, made me emotionless. I was only 12." She scoffed and chuckled once again. "But yeah I don't work for them now. After I finished training they said I could leave if I wanted. It seemed too easy but they said they had everything they needed." Tbag was staring at her in shock the entire time. "I didn't think it would be something like that... you seem to innocent for all that." This made Shannon laugh more. "You have too. You have to look innocent to hide the dark truth." She shrugged and smiled. "So you've been a badass from 12?" He laughed, this made Shannon laugh more. "If that's how you want to put it. Sure." "Is Shannon Tudor even your real name?" She shook her head. "Shannon is, But Tudor isn't. It was just a name my family adopted in order to hide who I was." "So what is your name?" "You'll find out soon." She smiled mischievously. "Now come on. I have a car waiting for us."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2019 ⏰

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