Chapter One

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The moment Anne stepped into her father's quarters in the dead of night, she knew that the news he was about to reveal did not bode well for her. Thomas Boleyn sat behind his imposing desk, a thoughtful frown on his tired face as he listened to Norfolk hissing in his ear on one side, and George looking worried on his other.

Norfolk fell silent as his cold, clever eyes landed on her. Despite her nerves, Anne met their gazes as though she was their equals. After all, they would not have such lavish quarters if it was not for her capturing the King's eye.

They would still be nothing if it was not for her.

"Father, Uncle," Anne greeted with a respectful nod. "George," she greeted, allowing her lips to curve into a small smile as she finally turned to her dear brother.

George did not smile back.

Swallowing back her nerves, Anne walked further into the room, her heart beating harder with every step. "What is it?" she demanded simply as she stopped before his desk, finding a perverse pleasure in watching Norfolk's face briefly twist with displeasure at her interference. If the insipid man had his way then she shut her mouth and do as she was told.

The man was one of the most powerful men in England. And yet, with one whisper in Henry's ear, Anne could have his head if she so wished. She ached to tell him so, to demand that he give her the respect that she deserves, but once more, Anne bites her tongue and smiles coldly.

There was a long tense pause, and clearly what they planned to tell her would displease her greatly.

"We must change our plans, Anne," Thomas said eventually.

Anne frowned. "But all is well Father. The King becomes infatuated with me more everyday-"

"And what of you, Anne?" Norfolk piped up, his shrewd eyes watching her every breath.

"Pardon, Uncle?" Anne questioned coldly.

Thomas rolled his eyes but watched Norfolk wearily. "Now is not the time for this."

"There is not one person at court who can doubt the King's feelings for you," Norfolk said, carefully weighing every word as he ignored her father. "My concern is that you still entertain feelings for him. After all," he continued, his lips curving into a chilling smirk, "We have warned you in the past not to let your emotions get the better of you."

Her mind went back to those beautiful letters Henry would send her when she was forced to remain in Hever Castle, and though she knew what kind of man the King was and how his eye wandered, Henry slowly captured her heart with every beautiful word and stolen kiss.

She was a fool to confide in George, but she had learned her lesson regarding her brother's loyalties.

Anne swallowed back her rage. "My feelings are inconsequential, Uncle. I have done as commanded and he has not looked upon another woman since he laid eyes on me." Looking at her father, Anne forced herself to calm down. "He loves me, father," Anne said softly. If she had been any other woman speaking to their father, she would have begged him to understand that she loved the King too and it mattered not that he was married. Their love for one another could change England, the world-

But she was a Boleyn, and all that mattered to the men in her family was their ambition.

"I truly believe that he will make me his Queen the moment he can get his divorce-"

"The Queen is with child, my daughter."

There was a long, tense silence.

"No," Anne whispered in disbelief. Her hands curled into fists, her fingernails puncturing the skin of her soft hands as she fought to contain her pain. She was a fool. A complete and utter fool. Tears pricked her eyes at just the thought of Henry, her Henry laying with that cow -

He promised that he had not lain with her since Henry had asked her to be his maîtresse-en-titre .

In that moment, it did not even occur to her that if Catherine gave birth to a boy, Anne would never be Queen.

Feeling the cunning eyes of Norfolk on her, Anne pushed aside her pain and attempted to hide her devastation, though she suspected it was too late as she caught George's pitying eyes. "Henry said that he has not visited her chambers in months," Anne said, trying to keep her voice steady.

"It is true," George replied, quick to ease his sister's pain even by a small amount. "Our spies in the Queen's household swear that the King hasn't visited her bed in six moons. Her courses had stopped and everyone believed her to be barren. Alas, the Queen felt the babe move, Anne."

Anne could not help it, she flinched.

"What if the child is a girl?" Thomas asked shrewdly. "Is there a chance that Anne could still become Queen?"

"It is possible," Norfolk replied slowly. "However, it would be all the more difficult for the King to obtain an annulment if he has a second child with Katherine."

"Not all hope is lost," George piped up. "It is possible that she will miscarry once more. The child could be stillborn, and the Queen could die in childbirth if we are lucky."

Anne felt sick to her stomach as she looked at George in disgust. When had her dear, sweet brother become so.. twisted? She could not stand listening to them hoping for the death of a child even if the babe did hinder their plans. "That is treason," she whispered.

They all ignored her.

"Perhaps we can arrange for the Queen to have an accident ," George said.

"That is enough," Anne whispered.

Thomas looked at his son, a cunning gleam in his eyes that made Anne shudder. "Getting rid of Catherine and her child this early would be far easier than waiting to see the outcome of the situation-"

"Enough!" Anne shouted at her wits end. The three of them paused and looked at her in astonishment. Meeting Norfolk's eyes, she could only hope that he did not agree with the drastic plan her father was currently concocting. After all, if Norfolk did not approve, then Thomas would never act upon it.

"Forgive me, Anne," Thomas said. "I have gotten ahead of myself." He smiled blandly and stood. "You need not worry yourself over the details. I will ensure that everything goes to plan."

"You're being absurd!" Anne said carefully. "We would never get away with it."

Norfolk looked over Anne carefully, those cold eyes flashing. "We do not have the luxury of making an attempt on the Queen's life. If anything happened to her, we would be under suspicion and it is not worth the risk. No. The Queen will not be harmed by our hand." Despite her hatred for Catherine, Anne was relieved. She wanted to be Henry's Queen, she would never deny that, but she would rather not have the blood of a pregnant woman on her hands. "We shall continue as planned," Norfolk continued. "Anne will go on as she is with the King."

Relieved, Anne bowed her head in respect. She wished them all a good night, claiming tiredness. She ached to be alone, to finally unleash the pent up rage and misery bubbling in the pit of her stomach-

"But hear me, Niece," Norfolk called just as she reached the door. Anne paused but did not look back. She could not bear to look upon the monsters that she called her family. "You will bite your tongue on the matter in the presence of the King. We cannot jeopardize everything because you cannot control your emotions."

Anne clenched her jaw, biting back the urge to snap at her uncle. How dare he?!

Instead she took a deep breath and left, trying her best to ignore the tears that clouded her eyes.

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