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Name: Yusuke Hamada

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Though he is a bit of a blank slate, he is a distant loner and a passive person with a dry sense of humor and a level head, though he does have a high level of maturity due to his formal way of speaking. He has a pessimistic outlook on life which has resulted from being bullied in middle school and being purposely abandoned by his parents at a young age. However, instead of choosing to close himself off from others around him, he wants to help others in any way he can and has a good sense of observing, reflecting, and adapting to certain situations. A reason for this is due to his insecurity, which is his fear of abandonment; he was abandoned by his parents and is afraid of being left alone for the rest of his life, which is why he tries to be friendly with everyone in any way possible.

Fake/Official Talent: Origamist

Real Talent: Conduit

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 139 lbs.

Chest: 84 cm

Blood Type: O Negative

DOB: April 21

Likes: His scarf and Seattle

Dislikes: Being denied human rights

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