Hello and welcome to Majesty!
This is going to be a graphics competition.
The rules are as follows:
1) Be polite
2) You must be able to make more than just a single kind of graphic! This competition will have several rounds and you will be making a variety of graphics.
3) If you aren't sure of something, please ask me!
4) If you do not submit a graphic for a round you will be eliminated!
5) Extensions can be given, but no more than 5 days and you must request the extension BEFORE the round ends.
6) YOU MUST MAKE A NEW AND SEPARATE BOOK ON YOUR PROFILE TO POST YOUR ENTRIES IN! AND IT MUST BE TAGGED: #majestycompetition. If you don't make a book and tag it properly you will be eliminated. (I'm old and I work, I don't have time to search through a book for entries, this is easier for me, feel free to delete the book once the competition is over if you'd like)
7) Please inform me of username changes. If i can't find you you'll be eliminated.
8) You MUST make a new graphic for each round. You cannot simply enter something you've made previously.
9) Unless the round states you are to make more than one graphic there is a limit of ONE ENTRY per round.
10) Graphics must be of your own design and made by you (you are definitely allowed to be inspired by other graphics you see, but please give credit to the designer if your design is based on it)
Some of you may believe these rules are harsh, but I feel that if you can't follow rules there should be a consequence and if you've followed the rules you shouldn't feel as if it was a waste of time because others got away with not following them.
How I will be judging:
5 points- fits the prompt
10 points - graphic designing skill
10 points - creativity
5 points - graphic fits together as a whole (nothing is disjointed or feels out of place)
Total: 30 points
I've decided to do public voting for this contest, which I haven't done before. Graphics will be posted in a chapter and users can vote for the graphic/s they like. It will be another way to gain points since I've decided to do cumulative points as well. Whatever votes you receive equals the number of extra points you will earn for that round (Example: 6 votes = 6 points) so be sure to post and ask your followers to come and vote when the time comes!
I will explain the rules for voting in each voting chapter.
How you can lose points:
-5 points: for not making and posting in an entry book for this specific contest (you will lose the points each round your entries are posted elsewhere)
elimination: if I've found you entered a previously made graphic or stolen a graphic
-2 points: If you enter more than one graphic per round as stated in rule #9 (I will judge whichever one is first)