Chapter 18- Bad Place

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Ignoring the pain I continued making myself something to eat when Cole walked into the kitchen. "Adrian, is something wrong?" He questioned while standing in the doorway blocking me from escape. Acting like I didn't hear him I finished making my food and made a bowl. He grew impatient. "Adri, tell me what's wrong? I know you can hear me you can't act like you don't." He said raising his voice. What he didn't know was that I was still tuning him out as a voice from my nightmare spoke inside my head. "ADRIAN! I AM TALKING TO YOU!"

"Huh?" I asked turning to him.


"Why are you yelling at me?"


"You were talking? Actually you know what, you don't understand me. For your information I didn't hear you say a damn word to me ever!"

"You're a fu**ing liar! I have been talking to you all goddamn morning!"

"Why the hell would I lie to you, COLE!? How do I know you haven't been lying to me this entire time!"

"Fuck you Adrian. I want my ring back now!"

"W-what!? You don't mean that!"

"Yes I do! NOW!"



After that I ripped the ring from my finger and slammed it on the ground leaving the kitchen nearly knocking Cole on his skinny, bony butt. I stormed off to our room and slammed the door locking it behind me. I couldn't help but cry. "What is happening to me? I would never fight with Cole like that or ever talk to him that way? Did I hit my head? Not that I remember? Did I do something wrong in the first place?" I questioned myself while sitting on the bed. I knew that Cole was hurting more than me, so crying was something I wasn't going to do, I had no right. He had all the right to cry after our little spat. I felt awful. My head started hurting again only this time worse than before as the room began spinning. "I-I think I'm going to pass out." I told myself while falling backward onto the bed.

"Adrian, open this goddamn door now! We need to talk!" Cole hollard pounding his fist on the door. "Open this door!"

"I-I can't, it's hot and bright."

"Open this door right now, please!" He wailed, fear clouding his mind. In reality there is no way I could ever open that door, I was lost in "dreamland", mind slipping back to that nightmare with hellfire.

"I-it's ho...." I trailed off my eyes filling with fire as the world around me went still. I could hear sounds of laughing and giggling around me but nothing could be seen. It wasn't until his voice spoke that I knew where I was...

"It's good to see you again, Adrian. Try not to squirm, the more you do the more it will hurt." The voice said growing closer.

"Where am I?"

"Isn't it obvious? You're in your head surrounded by the demon you let take control."

"My head? Demon? Control? I don't understand, what do you want from me?"

"Me? I want your life, to take control and destroy everyone you love."

"What? No I won't let you!" I screamed fighting to move.

"You are so foolish, Adrian. Struggling against the one who controls your mind is dumb. Cole won't care about you. He never has."

"You're lying!"

"See for yourself." The Demon said allowing me to see outside the door where Cole was sitting after giving up on me opening the door. He was looking at the ring he gave me.

"Oh, Adrian I'm sorry, I have to let you die. It's what I've always wanted. I never loved you. Marking you for death was what I did." He muttered leaning his head on the door. His eyes were black like the Demon's as he melted the ring in his hand. "Goodbye forever Adrian." My eyes widened. Had I heard him correctly? Did he really hate me? He couldn't could he? Tears flooded the vision as the Demon laughed and took my sight once again.

"You are a fool Adrian, trusting one who your parents warned you about. Now because of it, you will lose your life. Little do you know, but I am just getting started. Now be a good boy and let me take control of your body." the last part was said in a sickly sweet voice as they caressed my cheek with the back of their pointer finger.

"NO! I will never let you get control. He loves me! What you showed me is a lie! That's what you are; a lying demon! Showing your host lies to gain control of their body to wreak havoc on those who trusted the host!"

"Oh, I'm more than just that." He smirked taking a can of beer from behind his back.


"You're such a fool thinking you could escape me. You let all of your loved ones die! You call me the Demon, but yet you killed innocent people and harm anyone you're near."

"You are lying!"

"You will be too..."

Cole stood up and looked at the ring again after I went silent. He had no idea what was really going on behind the door. He assumed that I had fallen asleep and just needed some time alone after he gave up on knocking on the door. It wasn't until a key was slide under the door at his feet that he knew I wanted him. He bent down and picked up the key curious at how it got there. Opening the door, he looked at the bed where I sat up looking at him, only I wasn't me. He smiled and sighed in relief as he walked over to me. Instantly he took my hand and slid the ring onto my finger.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything I said." He admitted embracing my skinny figure. On my face a evil grin grew, one that would end Cole if he saw it.

"Don't worry honey, I forgive you. But you'll have to pay. Nobody gets away with hurting me." The Demon in my body threatened as they hugged Cole back rougher than I normally would. I watched in horror while Cole had no idea what was going on.

"I'm sorry Adrian please forgive me."

"C-Cole, run." I croaked finally taking some control back. He didn't listen instead pulled me into a kiss. Due to his action I was able to take my mind back. I kissed back tearing up. He pulled away after a while.

"Adrian I won't ever run from you, I love you." Cole smiled looking into the brunettes blue eyes. I frowned looking away. There was no way I'd be able to face Cole after what just happened. Wiping my eyes I walked into the next room feeling helpless and very confused. I hated my brain and the man in my head making me go crazy. That's when it hit me... Cole wasn't real. Cole was the name of my therapist in training who used hypnosis and some spiritual means to get in my head to witness and see my past. Quickly I turned around running back to Cole.

"You aren't real!" I screamed, "Get me out of this place! I-I don't want to see it anymore!"

Cole smirked. "And you won't have too, I have all the information I need. I was just waiting for you to remember. That most of this isn't real. Just the parts about your parents, Mr.Stone, and grandfather are." He now laughed snapping his fingers bringing us back to the office. 

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