piece no. 3

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ㅡ jasmin

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I entered the studio and saw the keyboard just sitting on the side. I put my bag down before walking towards it.

"How is that the same track, Jaemin?"

It's the same track because I wanted to be with you.

I sit down, turning on the keyboard. I started playing Introduction Et Rondo Capriccioso.

We're on the same track because I wanted to be by your side once again, because I want to play with you again, sing for your piano.

We're on the same track because..

"I love you."

ㅡ jeno

I was walking with Renjun until I started to hear a familiar sound. We head to the studio and saw Jaemin playing the keyboard.

"I didn't know he can play that." Renjun said then I nodded.

We watch him play as Renjun starts to video him playing it.

The harder it gets, the more shocked me and Renjun are.

We never even heard him play the keyboard, nevertheless go near it. It's hard to believe that Jaemin can do this piece.

"Amazing.." Renjun muttered as he watch Jaemin with his jaw open. I was also in a shocked state as well.

I was frozen on my spot, mesmerized by the piece Jaemin is playing. Taken away by how he plays it.

I guess, this is how it is to have a pianist as a friend.

My eyes widened when I can feel a sort of aura around Jaemin. His fingers was like gliding along the keys.

He's basically like handling the keys like it's some fragile glass, one grip on it, it will immediately break.

His movements of his hands, fingers even his body was beautiful. Colors was following every movement of his. It was mesmerizing to watch.

Yes, this is Music.

Music which can bring out this kind of love.

Music is beautiful, wonderful and lovely.

Listening to it can make you feel lovely, make you feel powerful, can make you feel loved.

Yet it can make you feel sad, can make you feel week, can make you feel hatred.

I close my eyes listening to him as Renjun continues to take a video of him. I lean my head back as Jaemin plays it elegantly.

After a a few more minutes, he ended it. I notice him frozen on his spot as Renjun stopped taking the video and posted it on the channel.

I stand up and walk towards Jaemin.

"I didn't know you can play this piece." I said, surprising him.

"We've been here since you started playing." Renjun said then showed him the video.

His eyes softened and I looked out the window, noticing the cherry blossoms start to fall.

"Spring has come."

ㅡ carmia

I covered the piano as I notice a cherry blossom fall on my hand. I looked out the window and saw the cherry blossoms beautifully blooming and falling.

"Spring has come."

I checked my Instagram account and saw Jaemin playing Introduction Et Rondo Capriccioso on the keyboard.

I smiled softly, glad that he still remembers the notes from 8 years ago.

"Carmia." I looked back, seeing my big brother there.


"When will you finally decide to change your last name? Father said you can't just continue having Shin are your last name." He said then I glared at him.

"I'm the only girl left in the family. If I change my name, Shin wouldn't be able to continue in the future.

As much as father doesn't like it, he must deal it. I'm not going to change the name that my mother has given me." I said then he smiled.

Yes, I'm not going to inherit the name of our father. I'm going to continue the name of my, our mother that we loved.

If I change my last name like you, I would be betraying her last name. We're both different generations and we would continue the next generation.

"You're really like mother. Stubborn, beautiful, loves music so much and so much confidence." He walked towards me and patted my head before pulling me in a hug.

"I'm proud of you."

ㅡ donghyuck

I checked the list of Europe's most popular pianist and Shin Carmia was the first one to show up.

I clicked on her profile and saw her family information.

Father:currently owns a company in Europe
Siblings:a big brother who is rumored to be a kpop idol

Unfortunately, their names weren't written.

A big brother who is rumored to be a kpop idol. I search for the pictures of Carmia and found some resemblance.

I searched for another profile of hers but this time, from the school in Europe she studied in.

How did I know?

She's the most popular young pianist in Europe, information about her, especially the music school she studied in, everyone knows it.

I smiled when I finally got the name of her brother. That's why you two look alike.

Who knew your brother would be my hyung? I stand up and was about to go to the kitchen until I start hearing a piano in Hyung's room.

I opened the door quietly then saw Hyung watching a video of Carmia's performance from before, where Jaemin and the others watched.

"What did she say about your father's name?" I heard Johnny Hyung's voice then Hyung sighed.

"She plans on keeping mother's name even though my father remarried another woman already.

I changed mine to hers but Carmia doesn't want to. She's always focusing on music like it's her life. I wanted her to focus on something else for once.

I don't want music to blind my sister from what she can, other than just playing that piano." He said then Johnny Hyung patted his back.

"It's okay.. Carmia will get back soon. I rely on Jaemin on this one.." He said then I bite my lip.

I quietly close the door once again and return to my room. I felt something being tied in my stomach.

I smiled mischievously before thinking of what else might happen in the future.

Shin Carmia, Na Jaemin, Lee Taeyong..

It brings excitement and interest in one place.


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