❤️💙Vampire AU (Yoosung x Saeran)

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Vampires are terrifying creatures in the human race. If you ever get caught by one or even stare at them, beware. These cold blooded creatures will always crave for human's blood. Sometimes, they have a favorite type.

Saeran's favorite type is blood type A. And ironically, a blond male that was walking around the streets had that type of blood. What's even better is that they were gullible, innocent, and very ignorant.

The white haired male noticed the young blond walking into an internet café. Of course, Saeran followed behind him, getting in the line too. Might as well should get something so he didn't look too suspicious.

As the two were in a line, Saeran tried to start a conversation with the blond human in front of him. But even just behind behind him where a bit of his neck from the back was revealing made the older male a tad tense. He gulped, already craving for more blood by just the sight.

He then takes a deep breath and lets out a soft sigh to try and calm down. But before he could even say a word, the male in front of him was already ordering their food.

'Dammit..' he cursed in his head, trying to stay as patient as ever. After all, Saeran did have a short temper.

After the blond ordered, the vampire was then in the front of the line. He ordered something simple, mint chocolate chip ice cream.

Once he got his order, he noticed the blond sitting at a table on his laptop. All he had was a cup of coffee. Saeran couldn't help but chuckle a little bit for how simple he was.

He noticed an open seat right in front of the blond. Saeran walked up and took the spot. As he sat down, he noticed the male with violet hues looking up at him with a confused expression on his face.

"Hello?" The blond spoke softly, pausing his game on his laptop as he took a sip of his plain black coffee.

Saeran smiles a little bit. It was a little fake, but the ignorant blond shouldn't be able to find that out. "Hello there." He replies back. The white haired male then tries to think of an excuse on why he was here. Finding out an idea, the older male continued. "I couldn't help but find an interest in what game you're playing on your laptop."

Yoosung heard the male's words and was a tad flustered as he looked back at his game and then back at the white haired man. "Oh. Well, I'm glad you have an interest." He smiles a bit. "It's called LOLOL. I'm just getting my ranks up here since this café gives free WiFi."

The white haired vampire heard every word the blond said, but he couldn't help but stare at the other's neck. Realizing his craving for blood, Saeran takes a bite of is ice cream to try and calm down that mood.

"That's cool." He mutters while taking another bite of the delicious sweet that was upon him. "Maybe we can play back at my place after here?" He asks, trying to act as smooth as possible to get the human safely to his home.

The oblivious blond paused for a moment when he heard the man's words. He then takes another sip of his coffee and smiles warmly. "Sure. I think that would sound fun." He says. "The name is Yoosung." The blond introduces himself.

"You can call me Saeran." The cold blooded vampire grins as he takes another bite of his ice cream.

Minutes have passed and the two talked ever so casually as if they already knew each other for years now. Both of them had a fond for it. Actually, Saeran enjoyed talking to the blond. Besides the smell of his blood being sweet, he himself was kind as well.

He still couldn't wait to get a taste of that warm delicious blood.

Yoosung closed his laptop and gets up to throw away his empty cup of coffee. "You ready to go?" The blond asks.

Saeran nods as he too got up and threw away his plastic bowl of ice cream right beside the blond human. "My place is not that far of a walk."

And then, the two went off. Saeran was right too. It was only a few blocks till they made it to his place. He offered the blond inside first and closes the door behind him.

It was completely dark. And Yoosung pointed that out when he asked, "Saeran, where's the lights?"

Though, the vampire could see the blond male easily as he gripped tightly onto Yoosung's waist from behind. He then brought him to a his room quickly and stealthily. He locked his door and now there was a dim light in his room.

And the reaction that came from the younger male was a gasp as a shiver went down his spine as he was brought into the other's room. It was still dark. And the worse yet, he didn't see any computers or laptops.

"Where are the devices for the game?" The blond asked, still a bit startled by the way Saeran grabbed onto his waist.

A chuckle left the vampire's lips as he made Yoosung face him. There, he started to unzip the other's jacket so it was easier to see his neck. A soft hum left his lips as there was a tint of a ruby red that was showing in his eyes. "You haven't guessed it yet?" Saeran asked.

He then moved his hand to caress the blond's cheek at first, but then to tilt his head. He couldn't help but smile more with the fear in Yoosung's face.

And the blond human was terrified. He would have never guessed the male was a vampire.

Saeran then leans in, his fangs showing as they pierced through the blond's soft skin. Ounces of blood did the white haired male take. And gosh was it sweet. He even said to himself he would stop in a moment, but that was awhile ago, ten ounces ago to be exact.

Yoosung could feel himself getting light headed. Luckily Saeran pulled away right before he was about to pass out. He felt the male licking the wound that the vampire made, tensing up by it.

He then pushed Saeran away, tears under the blond's eyes. "You.. brought me here just for that?" Yoosung couldn't help but get upset that he was just being used by such a thing. For once, he thought he actually made a friend.

Saeran could feel his heart sink by the way the other spoke and also just seeing Yoosung tear up like that got to him. "Yoosung.." he paused as he rests his hand on the other's waist. His mint green hues dilate while looking into the other's violet ones.

He then continued, "Everything we talked about the café, I enjoyed it. I really did. But when I first saw you, your blood was calling for me. I never did ask to be this y'know." He spoke truthfully as his grip on the other's waist tightened a bit.

The blond was convinced by the male's words too. He didn't know how to reply back. All he did was look away as he lets out a soft sigh.

Saeran never did like it when the blond look away. His hand went up to caress the other's cheek as he continued to gaze into those enchanting violet hues of his.

"Your blood." He starts. "It was the best thing I ever had."

"And you're the greatest person I've ever met."

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