A God in a World of Heroes

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Nk's POV

I teleported to the universe SCP 507 arrived in to make sure he's alright. Looking around for a bit I saw a city and decided to head towards it.
The town seemed vacant. As I turned a corner and looked up into the sky to see a cloud of smoke and a giant woman in a costume.

Nk: Not the first time I've seen a cosplaying giant.

I walked up to her and gently kicked her foot. She looked at me a bit surprised but mostly concerned.

Nk: Hey what's going on?

Giant: Stay back kid it's too dangerous around here.

Nk: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA heh. "Dangerous" she says.

I walk around her while she wasn't looking to see what's going on. There was a fire and huge green slime....thing holding a blonde girl with fire coming out of her hands and Ryan(I give SCP 507 this name I don't know his actual name) while a cute green haired girl was clawing at it trying to get them free.


The slime along with everyone else turned and looked at me.

Slime: What do you want quirkless?

Nk: Could you please let go of them?

Slime: HAHAHA Not a chance in hell!!! How about I kill them slowly while you watch!

Nk: This is your last chance.

Slime: Oh and what are gonna do abo-

Before it could finish it's sentence I punched it causing it the explode. One Punch Man style. Everyone stared at me in shock and silence with the exception of Ryan because he's use to it.

Nk: Ryan you alright?

Ryan: Yeah man thanks. So what now?

Nk: As usual we wait until you know what happens.

We looked around to see a large crowd of people, the two girls and a lot of weird looking women with costumes on still staring.

Man 1: Woah.

Man 2: Did he....DID HE JUST USE A QUIRK?

Woman 1: B-But that's impossible only females can have quirks.

Man 1: Looks like he's an exception.

Woman 2: Is he a hero?

Hero 1: I don't believe it a male with a quirk.

Hero 2: And a powerful one at that. I bet he's as strong as All Might.

Giant: What just happened?


I grabbed Ryan and teleported back to the forest.

Everyone: HE HAS MORE THAN ONE QUIRK!?!?!?!?

After we arrived in the forest Ryan ran to a lake and began drinking from it.

Nk: Ok when you get back to the Foundation tell them what happened and I staying here for awhile.

Ryan: Alright again thanks for saving m-

Ryan hops dimensions again but he most likely ended up back home.

Ryan hops dimensions again but he most likely ended up back home

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2019 ⏰

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