Teenager Post 170-180

278 17 5

#171 Teenager Post

How can people ligt weights? My arms get tired just by putting my hair in a ponytail. [Traducere: Cum pot oamenii sa ridice greutati? Mainile mele obosesc si cand imi fac o coada.]

#172 Teenager Post

People who CHOOSE to wake up early on weekends clearly have problems. [Traducere: Oamenii care DECID sa se trezeasca dimineata in weekend-uri clar au probleme.]

#173 Teenager Post

People keep telling me that the right person will come along... To be honest, I think mine got hit by a truck. [Traducere: Oamenii imi tot spun ca persoana potrivita va aparea o data si o data. Ca sa fiu sincer/a, cred ca persoana mea a fost lovita de o masina.]

#174 Teenager Post

A good friend: Calls you in jail. A great friend: Bail you out of jail. YOUR BEST FRIEND: Sits next to you while saying "wasn't that fun?". [Traducere: Un amic: Te suna la inchisoare. Un prieten bun: Te scoate din inchisoare. PRIETENUL TAU CEL MAI BUN: Sta langa tine in timp ce spune "Nu a fost asta amuzant?".]

#175 Teenager Post

"Don't worry, the spider is smaller than you." "Yeah.. so is a grenade..." [Traducere: "Nu-ti face griji, paianjanul este mai mic decat tine." "Mda... asa este si o grenada..."]

#175 Teenager Post

I hate when people take other people glasses and are like "you have crap vision" like do you take wheelchairs from people and go "wow you have shitty legs". [Traducere: Urasc cand oamenii iau ochelarii altor oamenii sunt ceva in genul "ai o vedere de rahat", ca si cand iei scaunul cu rotile de la oameni si spui "ai picioare de rahat". *nu cred ca are prea multa logica. ideea e ca nici in engleza nu prea e respectata topica, in cazul asta*

#176 Teenager Post

Okay, I'm getting out of the bed in 10 seconds: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9... *nu cred ca are rost sa traduc*

#177 Teenager Post

If you command me to do something that I was already planning on doing the chances on doing that thing automatically drop to 0. [Traducere: Daca imi comanzi sa fac ceva ce doream sa deja sa fac, sansele sa mai fac acel lucru cad automat la 0.]

#178 Teenager Post

If the music is too laud... You're too old. [Traducere: Daca muzica este prea tare... Esti prea batran.]

#179 Teenager Post

That scary moment when you're about to go to bed and then you realize you had homework. [Traducere: Acel moment de teroare cand vrei sa te bagi la somn, dar realizezi ca ai avut tema.]

#180 Teenager Post

Boys are so dumb like they could stab you in the face with a knife and be like what's wrong why are you mad what did I do. [Traducere: *Unii* baieti sunt asa de tantalai incat ar putea sa te injunghie in fata cu un cutit si sa fie ceva in genul ce e in neinregula de ce esti suparata ce am facut.]

God, imi ia foarte mult sa scriu asa =)) Idk, daca vreti sa revin la cealalta forma, eu o fac cu cea mai mare placere, dar asa iar o sa postez doar 200 de post-uri. Idk, cum vreti. Sper sa va placa :)

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