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0300 Boone North Carolina  3rd person POV

???: Do you have the guns
???: Yes, and I suppose you have the weapons
Y/N: Little did they know that a man holding a Beuwolf (A/N did I spell that right) .50 caliber Mk 17 is about to slaughter them

Then you thought of a second option and pulled out a .22 bullet and lobbed it over the mens head, as you pulled out your Bedouin Dagger (A/N look up bf1 Bedouin Dagger to check it out).

???: What was that
Y/N: Your last words

Then you slit the man with the guns throat and pull out you suppressed M1911 and shoot the other one in the head.

Y/N: Time to go back to my home now.
You put your earbuds in and listen to Resonance by Home. All the sudden you here a knock at the and you pick up your M1911

Y/N: Who is it
???: This is Six I am here to give you the offer if your lifetime
Y/N: And what would that be.
Six: Join team Rainbow
Y/N: I am in
Six: I have brought Elźbieta Bosak with me. Say hello Mrs. Bosak
Ela: Cześć, I am Elźbieta as you have already heard but you can call me Ela
Y/N: Cześć, jestem Y/N (Translation, Hi, I am Y/N)
Ela: You know Polish too
Y/N: Tak (Yes)
Six: Ok let's get going we have a long ride

Time skip because of my upload schedule

???: Hello lad, the names Sledge, what's yours
Y/n: I'm Y/N nice to meet you
Sledge: I will be your tour around here so let's get started

Time skip brought to you by Sledge introducing operators to Y/N

Sledge: and last of all you sleeping quarters
Y/N: no need to be rude but why are we at the girls living quarters.
Sledge: Because there is no room in the boys quarters. Now go get to sleep.

Monika (IQ) POV
Who is that at the door
"Who is it"
Y/N:" Hi Monika, I was just letting you know I am staying here until I have a room"
"Oh, ok then"
"So the couch is where you will sleep if that is fine with you"
Y/N: That's fine thank you

I saw Y/N enter the room and my cheeks immediately went red as I crashed my head into pillow to hide it.
"Oooh I see you like the new guy Elźbieta" Zofia teases
"Shut up sister"
"Hehe I'm only kidding" said Zofia

Time skip due to laziness

Y/N POV 2200 hours

I was getting pretty tired after socializing and eating dinner and apparently everyone else was as well. Soon enough I'm laying on my bed and just before I doze off I feel this weight against me.

Time skip

Y/N POV 0500

I wake up and shut my alarm clock off before anyone can hear it. I look over to my side to see Ela out cold laying next to me. I feel my cheeks heat up as I get out of bed as fast as possible. I walk towards the couch to see Zofia sitting there.

"Zofia, Why is Elźbieta in my bed"
"Because you two look cute together" Zofia said with a smug look on her face
"Ooh shut up"
"Never" Zofia said while laughing
"Pierdolić cie" (fuk you)

Sorry for the short chapter I just wanted it out there. I will probably upload a load out then a one thousand word chapter instead of this 500 one.

Ela x Male Reader (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now