An introduction: the quest

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Hello world!! It is I the one and only, Nail Polish!!! If you haven't heard of me that is really your own lost for I am gorgeous!! My pink frizzy hair goes is halfway down my back. It's one of my biggest accomplishments. When I walk down the street and see others I often compare my hair to theirs. Theirs is almost as never as frizzy as mine! How do i get my hair so frizzy? Well I never use conditioner and when brushing my hair I am very aggressive just as I was when I slaughtered my teacup pig! O I miss oinks! But I was very hungry and he made some great bacon! Sorry that was off topic. Anyways to ensure my frizzy hair I will often dunk the top of my head into a bucket of water! I have many more methods as well but I don't want to give away my secrets. Anyways as you can I am a fabulous person and it's a shame that you haven't heard of me before.

For the past years I've been searching for the perfect man. It's been a real struggle. No men are good enough for me. I am the nail polish and they are all just disappointments. They are pretty much all jerks. Expect a specific type of men: gay men.

Gay men are so hot! They understand girl talk about other guys and they are always so nice. They are never creeps. They'll never take advantage of you or just use you for sex. They will never give you herpes. Frick that's wrong gay men are more likely to get stds... Anyways gay men are the best!

As a result I've decided to give up on all straight men! I've decided that I'm done with their games. I saw screw them! Wait no I mean don't screw them screw the gay men. I've decided to pursue a relationship with a straight man. This is my story of trying to find love. The story of fishing for gays!

More chapters coming soon stay tuned and remember if you actually go fishing you are most likely to catch salmon or kelp and will not catch an acutal gay man!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2019 ⏰

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