1 - Year eleven

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I find myself walking towards the Hogwarts express with a massive grin on my face;I think about the year I've spent here. 

Hogwarts truly is a magical place... After all I've been through like being kidnapped, eaten and regurgitated I still can't wait to return. 

I walk with Felicity hand in hand as Alan runs over to me , studies me over and lays a kiss on my head,"I'm okay," I laugh.

"Well don't ever do anything like that ever again,"He replies and presses me into his chest. Poor thing,  he must've been really worried.

I turn around wave goodbye to Justin, Malia , Marcus, Martin and Saradai. I think about the school as I enter the train and wonder whether the construction will be done before my second year. Me Alan and Felicity meet up with Michael, Malcolm, Macy, Synthia and Tim in the train and we immediately begin a conversation about our crazy year. Most of them in awe that I'm still alive. Felicity calling me crazy for even doing it but mostly they looked at me with admiration and I couldn't help but get warm in the face. It's amazing how I just new that my year would be something like this. 

You're probably wondering : what happened, why is Hogwarts under construction, who are these kids and why the hell did this story start at the end.

It's because this story is different, like me. And all your questions will be answered soon as I Hailey Potter and my friends and family will tell it to you from the beginning as if it were happening at this very moment.

Here we go...


Hailey's POV

I wake up with a smile on my face as I instantly remember that today will be my first day at Hogwarts. I jump out of my bed and instantly dodge the bag of flour that catapults towards me like I knew it was there. Even the twins can't get me down now. I run to Felicity 's room and jump on her bed until she wakes up.

"Really Hailey , it's 6am." She wines.

"Oh don't be a buzz kill today of all days . wake up beautiful it's the best day of your life and it's 6:15."I get off the bed and run for her door," oh and mind the flour." I shout from the door as she gets up.

"What flower?," she asks as I hear what sounds like a muffled pop.

"Never mind," I say realising the muffled pop was the flour bag exploding in her face.

I dodge my parents room, remembering that they left last night just before I tried to open the door. We've been living at Granger-Weasley Manor for quite some time now. Ever since our house and our muggle neighborhood were blown apart by a massive tornado. I've been living here longer than my parents and Alan though because they were usually at Hogwarts but this year there will be no separation because I'll be going with them.

I've been waiting my entire life for this moment. I longed for it when listening to gramps stories and when I actually read the books which great aunt Harmione, Felicity's grandmother , hired a good muggle author to write, I was blown away.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2019 ⏰

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