Chapter 1

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I waited in the doctors office waiting for my results. Me and my daughter Cassie had been waiting for half an hour. Cassie was sat with her head bowed and her hair covering her face. She sat biting her lip and playing with her hands. I could tell instantly that she was nervous. I couldn't blame her. I was a wreck my self. These results would determine how long I had left on this earth. I had found out last year that I had terminal cancer. It tore my family apart. The doctors didn't know exactly how long I would have left but now was the time to find out exactly. I'm so scared. Not for myself but for Cassie. She's my life. My heart and soul belong to her and without me being there for her what will happen? I'm all she has. Her dad is some famous rock star she doesn't know. He doesn't even know she exists. My parents are both in retirement homes so when I pass away they won't be able to look after her. I need to think of something fast. But what? I've came to peace with death. I don't want to die but I know I will.

I looked over to Cassie she seemed to be shivering.

"Cassie are you okay?" I asked while putting my arm around her. She looked up at me and her eyes were red and puffy.

"What wrong honey?" I asked her sympathetically. Of course I knew what was wrong but I know the she gets stuff off of her chest the quicker she will be happy.

"I don't want you to go mam." I sniffled. I pulled her into a hug and rocked her.

"I know baby, I know but you need to always remember that I'm proud of you and I always will be. I'll be watching over you so nothing can harm you. You'll be okay Darling you are my heart and soul. I need you to be strong for sweetie." I softly said to her. I felt her nodding her head as I dried her eyes.

All of a sudden I herd a door open and close behind us. It was the doctor that held the results of my fait into his hands. My heart was now in my throat as o waited for the news of my death.

"Okay Alexis I have your results. Would you like me to tell you in private or in front of your daughter?" The doctor asked.

"In pri-"

"No please tell them in front of me. I can't wait any longer to find out." Cassie interrupted me.

The doctor gave me a stare as I nodded.

"Okay the results show that you have approximately one month left." The doctor breathed.

Almost straight away Cassie broke down in tears as tears threatened to escape my eyes. I quickly wrapped my arms around Cassie and cradled her. She is only 15. She can't live by herself. What will happen? I thought that I'd have longer but apparently not.

"I know that this is very upsetting but we have got in touch with Cassie's social worker. They want to make plans for when you are gone. They are ready to talk to you two now if you'd like. They are next door actually." I nodded and thank the doctor as I walked out. Cassie was still crying in my arms. Cassie never cried. Even when she was in pain. But this must of torn her apart. She was the strongest person I ever knew.

We both walked out of the doctors building and into the social services building next door. Me and Cassie headed up the lift onto the third floor. The lift door opened and we headed to Laura's office (The social worker) I opened up the office door to find Laura sat behind her desk with a couple of other smartly dressed men. At this point Cassie had stopped crying but was still a bit shaking.

"Hello Alexis, Hello Cassie. Please come sit. We have things to discuss." Laura said while gesturing us to the seats opposite her.

Me and Cassie both sat down and stared at everyone on the room.

"Now Doctor Smith has informed us on your results which means we need to start getting things sorted." An old fat man said to us. "Oh and I'm Mr green."

"What kind of things?" Cassie asked.

"Well first of all your will." Another random man said. "Oh yes and I'm Mr Richardson."

"Okay so when can I write a will?" I asked

"How about now?" Laura asked. I nodded as she gave me a few forms. I agreed to giving Cassie everything I have including my house. Which she will be getting when she is 18.

Two hours later and in was done with the will.

"Is there anything else that needs to be sorted out?" I asked no one in particular.

"Well we do need to sort out who will be caring for Cassie. We all know there is not anyone in your family to look after her however we have noticed that Cassie has a father written down on her birth certificate." Laura said.

Cassie looked at me wide eyed. I had never told her that she had a dad. I just referred to him as a sperm Donner. I quickly turned my head back in the direction of Laura.

"I have a dad?" Cassie asked.

"well. Sweetie. You do." I said nervously.

"Now I'm pretty sure you two can talk about this later but we need this sorted now." Laura began. "So Ben Bruce? Is it?" I nodded my head as she proceeded with talking. "I understand you have not spoken to him for over 15 year. Does he know that he has a daughter?" I shook my head. "Is there any way of getting in contact with him?"

"No there isn't however I do know some very important things about him that will be easy to track him down." I said.

"And what is that?" Laura asked.

"He is in a world famous band called Asking Alexandria and he is the lead guitarist." I said quickly. Cassie shot her head up at me and looked at me wide eyed.

"Thank you for that. That will definatly make it easier to get in contact with him." Laura said.

"Mam why didn't you tell me this? I thought you got a sperm diner to have me?" Cassie asked in utter shock.

"Look baby I had to say that so you would be less upset."

Cassie nodded and looked down at her hands again. Cassie was really shy. She didn't really talk much. She never really had any friends and she wasn't sociable with anyone except me.

"Okay I will make a few phone call right away. For now I'd like it of you and Cassie would discuss having her father in her life once you pass away." As soon as Laura mentioned me passing away Cassie started to cry again. "Please come back tomorrow and let me know your decision."

"I-I wa-ant h-him i-in m-my life." Cassie choked.

"Are you sure sweetie."

She nodded while sniffling.

"Okay I'll make phone calls and speak to Mr Bruce."

I nodded and shook everyone's hand and left with Cassie.

She's your daughter. (Ben Bruce)Where stories live. Discover now