Prologue (more coming soon)

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Brooklyn was a semi normal teenage girl, she grew up in America in the state of Virginia. She only had a mom and she never meet her father, well that she could remember. He did visit her one day when she was little five months old Brooklyn's mother use to tell her. After that day nobody ever saw or heard from him again. When Brooklyn was four years old her mother and her moved in with her grandparents. Her grandmother slowly got ill, as Brooklyn grow older. She and her grand mother where the closes, her Mother was always working to support the family, along with her grandfather. So her and grandmother spent a lot of time together, her grandmother was the kindest person she ever known, before she got sick she worked nurse so she knew just the right things to say. Brooklyn was a very fun and outgoing person, never the shy type sometimes you just couldn't get her to shut up.

At the age of seven Brooklyn's grandmother got more ill and had to spend the rest of her days in the hospital. After her grandmother die everything change her grandfather, was no longer the happy person she use to know and love. He was grumpy all the time, and always screamed all the time. Her mother developed a hernia, and had to get an operation, which made her sicker. Brooklyn was now longer been the outgoing person, that could brighten up anyone day. She became shy around people and always keep everything to her self. When Brooklyn was about to go into the six grade, her mother had to get back surgerie and went in to a coma for a year then that next year for Christmas her mother finally came home but she couldn't walk and she had to stay in a hospital bed and her grandfather took care of her. A year before that her grandfather was forced in to retirement, by his job.

A few month before graduation Brooklyn's mom grow even sicker, the day before Christmas eve her mom past away. Brooklyn grow depressed, her grandfather was no longer able to raise Brooklyn. She moved in with her Aunt and Uncle that lives in Florida, she was starting her first year of highschool she was so scared. She didn't even now anyone but her cousin Jake with was a junior. She joined the soccer team and made a few friend but she was never popular. She had one very close friend that she could tell anything to named Sammy.

They did every thing together, but Brooklyn got accepted in to the university of Manchester, were she dreamed of going since she was in the seventh grade. Before that Brooklyn always wanted to live in England, she always had an obsession with England, especially there accents. She always practice the accents, her favorite was a Yorkshire accent. Sammy and her didn't grow a part at all they spend there last summer by each other sides. The end of the summer snuck up on them so quickly, they still text each other all the time but then they grew apart when school started. Brooklyn made a know best friend, and also her roommate Annabella, which she called Bella for short. To make extra money Brooklyn became a babysitter while in university.

After she graduated unervity she keep her babysitting busie, because she still need extra money. She had little acting jobs but nothing that payed that much. She lived in a one bed room apartment still in manchcest. she still kept in touch with her best friend bella, infact she lived a few doors over. Then her babysitting grow bigger, and she still did a few minor acting jobs nothing. Then one day she got the biggest job proberly of her life.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AN:so yup this is my new story hope you guys like , chat me or comment to tell me what you think. love you guys! really hope you like it and vote if you do. And thank you Chey for the cover LOVE it so much! <3


Amber <3

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