Chapter Three: Craziness

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So last nightwas fun, me and went to the pub she got over her jerk of an ex boyfriend. Well and got a little drunk, as for I only have like one drink. I don't drink much so I most danced and hung out with some other friend Worth Bella. Right now its like five in the morning, getting up to get ready for my nannying job it for two weeks maybe longer. kinda scared I have to watch five boy and I don't even know anything about, it's going to worth it in the end because the job dose pay allot of money. I got up early to get ready, I put on a pair of jeans, my sand uggs, and a pink lase top. Now for my hair I stood in front of the mirror, playing with my hair I have naturally curly hair and not the good kind the kind that fizzes up all the time know matter what. So I straightened my hair it take about a half an hour. I made some wafflers, when I looked at the clock it was six a clock. I grabbed the close I packed the night before and ran out to my car, after checking on Bella which was going through a major hang over. before I left I quickly grab my Heddie as the rain poured over me. It crazy but I love the rain, the way it fells, how it look and then darkness and lightning that comes with it. Well i don't like the lightening when I'm out in the storm, always sarced ill get struck.

I pull up to the wich took me also an hour to drive to. I looked in the mirror to check my hair and makeup. then pulled out my two heavy bags, taken in deep breath this was the biggest job i've ever had, i was so nervous. I slowly walk up to the door, and older man answers"Hello I'm paul, you must be brooklyn."

"Hello yes i'm." i gave him a kind smile to cover up my nervousness.

"Here let me take you to your room, the boy are still a sleep." I followed him down the hall, i to a amazing room this really mine, well for about two weeks. When you first walked in there was I little sitting room with a flat sceen TV, with my own bath room, then a big closet. and towards the back was a bed kinda of closed off.

 Wow, this room is like the same size as my flat! I turn the TV on to the music Chanel and sang along. I just can't believe it, hopping the boys are as good as the room. thinking about them i haven't even meet them yet, well i'll finish put ever thing then go meet then. To be completely honest i so nervous never nanny five children at the same time. I put the last of the my stuff away, and turned off the TV. Then slowly go out the door, walking in the living room. "Paul?" I called out walking around. I finally reached the living room there was someone sitting on the couch watching TV. He was teenager or old why did he need a nanny?

 "Hello are you one of the boys." he tured around and I saw his face it was Zayn Mailk from One Direction. Are they the five boy i'm supose to nanny. Reallly?

"Hello love my  and yes i am, name is Zayn." That mean I have to nanny Harry too are you kidding me?  I thought i got away from him doing this job.

" I'm Brooklyn, so are the other boys still sleeping?" I asked him.

"I thinks so me and Louis are usually the last to wake up, Harry should be up soon, he dosen't sleep in much." I gave him a look like are you kidding me. " you don't look to happy what wrong?" I took a deep breath in,

"Well i wasn't exspecting to Nanny One Direction, and was going to this job trying to excape some one, now I have to Nanny him." He look at me so confussed.

" What are you talking about, Who is it?"

"Well yesterday I was out shopping and went to go to the bakery an-" then he cuts me off, did he just seriously do that."Oh Harry you're the Brooklyn Harry was tell me about." I gave me a cheeky smile. "really what did he say?" he was talking about me, dose he really like me or i'm I just the fling of the week?

"Well he knocked over a girl, and at first your did know it was him, and you thought he was being cocky then he took off his sunglasses, and he asked you on a date. Then you said yes." what hold up a minute I never said yes.

"umm I never said Yes, and he never asked me out, well over a text, and told him i had to work."i said raising my eyebrows. oh my gosh can't believe he lied, this is going to be a interesting two weeks."He not really my type he is too flirty." Zayn was still watching TV, and I gave him a look like are you even listening.

"Don't give me that look i'm listening to you, i guess Harry took that i have to work as a maby some other time."  A half anhour went by and they where still a and Zayn just sat on the couch and watch TV.

Then all of sudden voice came running down the stair screaming."OKAY HOW PUT SPOONS IN MY BED AGAIN!" I turn around to see liam shirtless wow he looks great. Zayn started laughing at my face, and Liam face turned red. then i hear Zayn whisper to me

"is that more you type?" I rolled my eyes "oh shout up Zayn did you do this?"

"really why do you expect me?" he crossed his arms.

"because your the only one up! duh." wow it doing to be a very long we, I know why they need a Nanny now. "I would go put a shirt but there is a ton of spoons in my my room!" Liam screamed from the stairs.

"why is that a problem?" I sat up and walked towards him.

"ummmm...... ummmm.... I'm scared of them." really why did i ever take this job!

"Why are screaming?" Harry walk out of his room with only boxer on.

"ZAYN come help me get the spoons." yelling ignoring Harry.

Me and Zayn got all the spoons out of the room. when I went out of the room Liam pulled me into a huge hug,still with one shirt on.I think ill get use to this nannying one direction thing"i don't think i can breath" I whined.

"Sorry thank you soo much, guessing you are nanny?" he asked me.

"Ummm yes I am."

"NANNY WHAT?" Harry yelled from the bootom of the stair.


so how did you guys like this chapter? I so much fun writing it! 

please ,



and fan <3

so bye bye for now xoxoxo

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