Mariya's Rock Me

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Once in 8G2 Mariya sung the song 'Rock Me' by ONE DIRECTION. 

I don't really remember which period it was but it was English class. Mr's Racheal entered the class like little black dress just walked into the room ( nah not really). Our portion was over so she let us do whteva we wanted. 

Everyone were chattering with their friends and so as we. Which was creating a lot of noise. So tr told us to sing one by one. Good singers sang, and there was no one left to sing. 

Suddenly Zaima said "Tr Mariya's gonna sing" Tr smiled and called her.

She was like "WTF" coz she doesn't really sing well. She started nodding "No no no" But then everyone cheered "YAYYY Mariya go go" Finally she got up and stood near the tr.

WE wanted to burst out laughing.... but anyway poor thing went. hehehe.

She asked us (Ghaz, Zaima and me) "Which song shall I sing?" and we were thinking ang thinking then Ghaz shouted "ROCK ME" Mariya thought about it for a sec then agreed. 

It was dead silence and she was getting nervous. And there was us watching her with wide eyez how's she gonna sing.

She told us to do the whole beating thing of the song (which is banging two times on the table and clap) We said "Ok"

WE started the beating thing and she did the same but then we stopped. She was like "WHAT?" We made innocent faces "nothing" 

Poor gurl sang half of the song and everyone was like 'wht the heel is she siinging?' kind of expressions.

She was so embarresed but we made somuch fun of her ROCK ME!

Q. The song 'Wake me up' is sung by whom?

The first person to guess the right song gets the dedication of the next chapter.

I won't be updating for a while coz EXAMZ bloody examz...And soon I'll be changing the book's name to 'My Crazy Skool Life!'. 

Till then Lots of LOVE <33



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