Chapter 21

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I woke up before anyone else. Thankfully Edward hasn't called again. I went downstairs and fixed a pot of coffee and started on breakfast. I boiled two dozen eggs, cut some strawberries, kiwi, and blueberries. I also fixed toast and had some peanut butter, regular butter, and cream cheese for it. The wolves in the living room were up first, then my pups and Brian, and finally the rest of the family trickled in.

"What's for breakfast Bells?" Embry asked.

"Boiled eggs, fruit, and toast. I thought we could have a healthier breakfast today." I replied.

I started to whip up a fruit dip, which took fifteen minutes. The first batch of eggs were ready to be cooled, so I set them in some cold water, and put another two dozen egg on the stove. Mia came over and helped peel the shells off the eggs. Once that was ready, I told the people with normal appetites first. By the time they went through the rest of the eggs were ready, I repeated the process, and said ladies first, so Leah and I fixed ourselves a plate. I ended up fixing about four and a half dozen eggs for everyone. Thankfully, Mia eats quick and started fixing more eggs for me. After breakfast, I wanted to talk with everyone. So, I ushered them to the living room.

"I have a plan, that I need everyone's help for. I want to catch Edward." I said.

"That's a great idea Bells, but Edward has already escaped custody once. How are we going to catch him?" Seth asked.

I explained my plan and everyone agreed with it, with some small modifications. I walked outside and called the number that called me yesterday, hoping Edward would answer.

"This is a pleasant surprise. My Bella reaching out to me." Edward greeted.

"I want to meet somewhere with you, alone." I demanded.

"Will you be alone? I won't come if I think you aren't alone."

"I will be. I just need to know when and where."

"The restaurant we ate in Port Angeles. Tomorrow at 6." With that he hung up.

I let a few tears slide down my face. I told them the where and when, and I went to my room to prepare. I moved some clothes in my closet and found my secret compartment. I put the password in and my fingerprint on the scanner. I was very protective of what was in here. Once the door swung open, I walked into the room. Inside of it held my guns and ammunition, clothes, one of my motorcycles, and lots of cash. I started cleaning all of the guns I was going to take, and the knives also. A few hours later I was done cleaning, and I picked out the outfit I was going to wear. The outfit included a jacket that could conceal two handguns and some extra clips, a pair of skinny jeans that I could put a handgun in the waistband, a shirt that could easily cover the third handgun, and a pair of knee-high boots that held a knife in each boot. I grabbed a bag and put some cash, pepper spray, a few more clips, and a taser.

"Bella are you ready for this?" Brian asked me.

"As ready as I will ever be. I want this bastard behind bars."

I hopped on my motorcycle and headed for Port Angeles. The wolves and some members of my family that Edward doesn't know will be there in disguise. Everyone else will be a block away, waiting for a signal. That signal could be one of many things, a text, a gunshot, some screams, who knows what will happen with Edward. I just hope everyone makes it out alive.

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