Crime of Rejection; four

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Donghyuck's not doing well? Poor donghyuckie. I'm worried for him

Donghyuck snoozed in class. He's been drifting off in class lately, and it has been affecting his performances. The events that happened two days ago still stuck in his mind, put on loop. Donghyuck can still hear the echo of Sungkyung's voice.

He is so immersed in his self-pitying world that he almost misses the words that comes spilling out of Ms. Kang's mouth. “—aemin-ssi, can you please inform Donghyuck-ssi to take his drooling out of my class?” snapped Ms. Kang in a sharp tone.

Donghyuck's eyes remain unfocused.

Jaemin giggled and slowly tapped his friend on the shoulder, trying to rouse him. Donghyuck blinked rapidly, letting out a childish whine. He batted away Jaemin's hand, pouting.

Jaemin's face was pinched; an expression born from the latter trying to hold in his laughter and being serious.

Donghyuck rolls his eyes at his friend's antics before realizing why. He had his classmates' whole undivided attention, watching them with rapt fascination. Even the corners of Ms. Kang's mouth twitched up. Donghyuck's face colored.

So, to explain how and why he felt embarassed. Donghyuck and his friends made a bet during summer, to decide where they'll sit for the rest of the year. Since Donghyuck and Renjun were probably the only ones sharing the same braincell, called dibs on the front rows. Jaemin and Jeno, the absolute dickbags, couldn't decide between window seats, or ones near the doors.

Anyway, Donghyuck won the bet. As expected, he always wants to see Renjun's annoyed little eyebrow crease. It is adorable! But being the idiots they are, somehow they lost that braincell, and ended up being late on the first day.

They had to seat at the back, considering, nobody ever wants the back row. No matter how popular the location is made to be in fanfictions, or stories. It sucks even more because Donghyuck and Jeno have fucked up eyesights.

He ended up getting a strict lecture from Ms. Kang, who made him stay behind. He considered himself lucky that Ms. Kang did not hand out the usual detention. After all, he is doing the best in her classes, and she is probably just worrying about his well-being.

“Donghyuck...” Jaemin's voice beckoned him from the stairs. The younger teen was seated on the second step, sleep marks were on his face. Checking his wristwatch, Donghyuck's face paled a little. Ms. Kang had kept him there, for an hour. Wow.

“Donghyuck. You've been zoning out a lot. Is it because of.... the confession thing?” Jaemin was blunt and straight to the point when it came to his friends, but he wouldn't hesitate to come to their defense whenever one is down in the dumps. Out of all the 00' liners, Jaemin is the one he trusts the most.

He was the first one Donghyuck told about his crush on Lami. Jeno and Renjun found out by complete accident, and demanded fairness. They were to be told at the same time as Jaemin.

“Yes. I mean, I know Jeno's dating her. But it doesn't make it hurt any less. I mean, look at me. Look at her. I'm different. She's perfect. Anyone would be lucky to have Sungkyung as their girlfriend, because she's everything amazing and— and I feel so inadequate compared to her.

She rejected me twice. The first time, I already knew it was going to happen. The second time, well— let's just say she didn't mean it” Donghyuck sighs, covering his face in his hands. “It's my first time confessing Jaems” he added softly, with tears springing up in his eyes.

Jaemin softened at that. He patted the space beside him. Donghyuck waddled over and let Jaemin embrace him in a warm hug.

I totally forgot to update it
around 5pm. But its exam
week!! My batch is like
super stressed because
we have two oral defenses
and its for two major
have a word vomit!!
im thinking of uploading it on
ao3, but maybe when its halfway?

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