Crow Themed

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Sort of weird and specific for my first theme but I'm obsessed with crows sooo... These also include death themed titles.

1. (A) Murder of (a Thousand) Crows **fun fact: crows can flock in roosts of thousands during winter for warmth

2. (The) House of Crows

3. A Raven Among Crows

4. Feather(s) of Star(s)/Shadow(s)/Night

5. (The) Death Bringers

6. (The) Call of Death/the Dead

7. City/Kingdom of Crows

8. (The) Black Doctor **based on the plague doctors which sorta look like crows?

9. Heart/Nest/Flock of Death

10. Inky Feathers

11. Leucism/Leukism **a word for partial albinism in animals, just cuz white crows are neat

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