Here We Go

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So You want to know more about me, huh? Let's get into it.

1. My Name is Kierra Chantell Walker.

2. My name means black lord of stone who walks.

3. I'm married to Michael Jackson. Three years and still going strong

4. My Favorite Color is Pink

5. I looooovvve Al Pacino

6.Tom Ellis is my side hoe

7.I have Four wonderful Older siblings, three brothers and one sister (She's in the cover)

8. I made a to-do list to kill Wade Robson

9. I keep a diary

10. @QueenQuetiana_ is my bestie!

11. I love Lo mein

12. Fried Chicken= Life

13. I am obsessed with Twizzlers

14. I love my drama class and my drama teacher

15. I'm a pretty decent singer

16. I'm a twerkaholic

17. Secretly I'm a sensitive person and I'm very emotional

18. I'm a sucker for brown eyes

19. If you got curly hair, come onto me


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