Surprise E

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Mia's POV

The rest of our vacation was amazing. I had such a great time with Demi and I was so happy. During the trip the only time we contacted the outside world was when I called Brooklyn to ask if I could sing. We had no problems or issues to deal with and we just had each other. I didn't have a single nightmare and I was able to catch up on sleep.

Along with Demi's first gift I'm giving her during the vacation I had someone on the resorts staff take pictures and videos of us. Once we got back Sara and Moms helped me put it together. I loved the way it came out, I'm just really hoping Demi likes it.

After we got back Demi and I went straight into work. Before I could do anything Brooklyn took me to the hospital and I got my stitches removed and a chest x-ray to see how my ribs are. They are healing and I should be good to go by the VMA's. When Brooklyn left the room I asked my doctor how long I would have to wait before I could get a tattoo on my shoulder. She said about a month but I would need to come in again before I could get one on my shoulder.

So since I couldn't get what I wanted on my right arm yet I thought I would work on my left arm sleeve. I spent two days at the shop with Josh. Other then that I got a moon and sun on the inside of my left forearm. It's black and grey and really nice. The second day I just hung out a bit with Josh and hooked him up with tickets to the San Antonio show.

When I first started getting the tattoos I didn't want color, but know that I have some I find them really cool. Simon, Sara, and Brooklyn all flipped a shit when I came home after the second night because I spent the other night at Demi's. Everybody freaked out and I got yelled at a lot. It's a good thing I didn't tell them the plans I have for my right arms once it's healed enough.

After the whole tattoo drama settled down we actually got to film my music video for Ocean Avenue. I had so much fun filming it. Once again Jason directed the video and I codirected. McKayla came in from LA to record the video with me and I was really happy about that. It was about us so I wanted it to be true. We filmed it all around Dallas, most of it was filmed by myself with a camera. Other shots Jason did like the band and I singing, when McKayla and I walked on the beach and us running on the field of our old high school. It was a great time. I also gave McKayla some tickets for the show at the Staples Center.

After the video was over and put together I went back to LA to finish preparing for the tour. It was pure madness to try and get everything ready. But some how we got everything done. The way I made up for the tattoos was I have to wear a dress to walk the VMA red carpet but I get to wear whatever I want for the performance.

Now that most of the work is done we get the next few days to relax before it gets crazy again with the VMA's. Demi decided that she is going to go and we are going a couple. I haven't seen her dress yet but I'm getting excited because she keeps giving me hints. So far all I really know is that her dress is red.

But the VMA's are still a few days off so I don't need to get worried yet. Today is Demi's birthday and she is turning 22. Ever since we got back from vacation Demi's families has been planning a surprise birthday party. Everybody is coming and I'm super excited. But today my mission is to distract Demi. So I asked her is there anything special you wanted to do she said she wants to go to Disneyland. And so be it we are going to Disneyland.

I called up some of Demi's old friends to join us at the park. So far the day is going as planned. We got up around 9 and got to the around 10:30 because of traffic. I drove of course and we met up with Demi's friends. They were all really nice and super accepting of Demi and I.

The day at the park was great. Demi got really excited when we went into a shop and saw a Darth Vader helmet with Mickey ears. She wore her Darth Vader shirt today so I got it for her so she matches. The day went quickly and before I knew it it was time to go to her surprise party. Demi's friend are meeting us at the party so they left a bit early so they can go get changed and go to the apartment.

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