The Past of the Final Battle

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Sonic's past is a tough one, but it can be done. Sonic the hedgehog the witch of ice, was the outcast of his tribe of witches, because of his is power. His parents were the only people who loved him, but eventually there's mind's get the sick disease of their tribe...... fear of power. After that the only person, well more like object was a teddy bear named Powder. Powder was the only thing that made him feel love, and especially when the rumors got so toxic. Sonic would just hind out in his room, then go to school that's it. People made fun of him, called him evil, beat him up, and most of all called him a mistake. Dark thoughts were always in his mind believing all of the lies of hate that he started to hate the one thing that made him special his power. The voice kept telling him that his power was evil, but one voice stronger than the rest wanted him to use his power, but it never went that far. Until many years later when Doctor Eggman thought he made a mind control ray, but instead it was to bring out your darkest thoughts and desires. Now here we are Sonic's darkness thoughts battling the only person Sonic ever loved, but love has its own way of winning the bloodiest of battles.
Sonic shot a ice ball at the black hedgehog, but Shadow dodge it right at the last second.
"I need to get out of here, but the door can't be opened with chaos power, so let's just some of Sonic's power"? Shadow thought with a smirk.
"What are you smirking about"! Sonic yelled with rage.
"Oh your see Faker". Shadow said while shooting chaos spears at the blue hedgehog. Sonic dodge them with ease.
"Is that the best got Shadow"? Sonic taunted with a condescending smirk on his face. Sonic shot a ice ball at Shadow, but Shadow flip out of the way. When the ice ball made contact with the floor ice like spikes were made.
"Good with I got out of that one". Shadow thought while landing on the ground right in front of the door. Sonic was not happy he's finally awakened, and can't even destroy what makes the weakling happy! Sonic shot one more ice ball at Shadow, but once again Shadow ducked out of the way. The door turned to solid white ice, but ice always has its breaking point. Shadow shot a chaos blast at the door, and it shattered into millions of pieces.
"NO you little fucker"! Sonic yelled. Shadow ran out of the room, and now it's time to look for his friends. Shadow ran through the dark gloomy place with cages all over.
"Jeez why does Sonic have all of this"? Shadow thought.
"HELP"! Someone yelled out.
"Who the hell is that"? Shadow thought. He ran into the direction of the voice, and found a circle of ghost surrounding the person calling for help. All he could see from the crowd of ghost was green.
"Wait green... Scourge, this hedgehog is so died"! Shadow thought. Scourge screams got louder, Shadow didn't really want to, but had to save him from the ghost. Shadow shot a chaos spear at them, but to his surprise it hit one of them. The soulless spooks looked at the black hedgehog, and got scared. Shadow had a confused look on his face.
"Master what are you doing here"? What of them asked in fear.
"Wait master, oh god they think I'm Sonic". Shadow thought. Wait Shadow can use this to his advantage, and he did.
"You leave that Green hedgehog alone, because I want to deal with him myself"! Shadow yelled in with a pissed off tone to his voice. The soulless spooks floated away in a panic.
"That worked out better than I thought". Shadow thought while letting out a sigh of relief.
"Um do you mind help me out here "? Scourge asked with irritation to his voice.
"Your just lucky I come at all Scourge". Shadow said while getting more annoyed at the green hedgehog. Shadow shot a choas spear at the cage door lock, and the door flew opened. The moment Scourge left the cage Shadow punched him in the jaw. Scourge stumbled back, because of the sudden and blow to the jaw.
"What the hell was that for"! Scourge yelled.
"Flirting with my boyfriend". Shadow said while running away leaving Scourge behind. Shadow could hear Scourge scream his name out, but he need to get going. Shadow ran past cages beyond cages, but didn't find his friends. Shadow eventually found what looks like a ball room. It was dusty with spiderwebs all over the place. The floor is made of granted, and the crystal chandelier hanging over head.
"So you finally made it Faker". Shadow looked over, and found Sonic sitting on the cages of his friends.
"SHADOW, GET US OUT OF HERE"! Tails yelled.
"Shut it Fox boy"! Sonic yelled at the two tailed fox. Shadow shot a chaos spear at the blue hedgehog which Sonic didn't have time to get out of the way. Sonic got shot back, and into the wall.
"Ow that actually hurt Shadow". Sonic said while getting up. Shadow walked past the cages while charging up another chaos spear.
"This end now Sonic, I will get him out of your head". Shadow said while shooting the choas spear at the blue hedgehog. Sonic jumped up, and charged up his spin dash. Shadow jumped up, and shot a chaos blast at Sonic, but Sonic shot a beam of ice at the chaos blast. The collision made a puff of smoke around the ball room. The smoke was the perfect thing to happen to Shadow. You see he has a plan to get his Sonic back. Shadow ran up to his boyfriend, and hugged him from behind. The blue hedgehog was irritation, because he wanted to fight the ultimate life form not be hugged by it. Shadow sipn Sonic around, so there noses were touching. The blue hedgehog couldn't move, but he did growl. Shadow moved in, and Sonic could feel the hot breath of the ultimate life form on him. Shadow pushed his lips onto the blue hedgehog, and he froze. In Sonic's mind the darkness was fading away, and only light was shining through. Sonic eyes shot open, and tears started to fall from his face. Shadow felt water on his face, and looked at Sonic to find him crying.
"Sonic"? Shadow asked with concern tone to his voice. Sonic grip on his boyfriend got tighter, and Sonic started to laugh with per joy. The two started to spin around the ball room in per bliss.
"Shadow I'm so sorry". Sonic said while leading into his boyfriend's chest.
"Sonic it was Eggman's ray that did this to you". Shadow said while rubbing his hand against Sonic's fur.
"Um I so sorry to ruin you moment, but do you mind getting us out of here"! Noha yelled.
"Alright we will". Shadow relied with irritation in is voice. The two walked hand in hand to get to the cages. Shadow shot chaos spears at them, and the cages broke. Once they were all out, Amy ran up to Sonic and hugged him.
"I know you wouldn't stay like that for too long". Amy said while her girp was getting tighter.
"Um- Amy your hurting me". Sonic said while clenching his teeth.
"Oh sorry Sonic". Amy said while getting off. Sonic looked at Ava, Noha, and William and started to shake. Shadow notice, and grabbed his hand.
"Sonic what wrong"? Shadow asked with concern tone to his voice.
"There-going to hurt me.... again". Sonic said while tears started to fall from his eyes.
"What your back to normal, there not going to hurt you". Shadow said while rubbing his boyfriend's hand.
"They alwa-ys did when I was younger, they ha-ted me, they made my pare-nts hate me, and- they ma-de me hate -myself with- every-thing they said - to me". Sonic's crying got worse, and the whole room got colder. Shadow was pissed that Ava, Noha, or William never mentioned they hurt Sonic. Shadow let go of Sonic's hand, and walked up to the witches.
"Why did you hurt him"!? Shadow yelled. The three were shocked to here that question.
"We had to he's evil"! Ava yelled.
"He's not evil". Shadow relied.
"Yes he is Shadow I still have no idea how he became a hero". William said.
"Because he saves people, an like you". Shadow said who was getting more and more irritation by the second. Sonic slowly walked up to his boyfriend, and held his hand.
"I never even hurt you, even after the many years you hated me". Sonic said quietly. The three witches didn't say anything, but they looked like they wanted too.
"You three need to go now"! Shadow yelled.
"What"? Ava replied.
"You heard me go"! Shadow yelled even more irritation. The three gave up, and teleported away.
"Finally there gone". Shadow sighed in relief. Sonic's grip got tighter on Shadow's hand, and Shadow looked at the bule hedgehog.
"Let's go home Shadow". Sonic said while walking to his friends. The two walked over to there friends, and Tails hugged Sonic the moment Sonic got there.
"Sonic I'm so happy your back". Tails said while crying.
"Me to Tails me too".
"Alright let's go home-". Rouge was cut of by Sonic yelling.
"Wait I need to free the soulless spooks". Sonic said.
"Alright then let's do that, so we can get to bed". Knuckles said.
"Why is it we only care about sleep"? Rouge asked. Knuckles just  shrugged. Sonic closed his eyes, and made a ice ball. When the ball got into the air it created a weave that went around the mansion.
"Alright it's done, now let's go home". Sonic said while grabbing Shadow's hand. The gang walked out of the mansion talking about, but Sonic was just happy to stop hearing the voices.

Wow that's was long, but I hoped you enjoyed it. I'm the bad guy is finally done! I have some new stories I would like to get out, so be on the look out when these are out.
Well this is Sonlove17, and I hope you have a fantastic day.

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