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I'm just an high schooler in his senior year waiting to graduate.I'm the type that just blends in and follow others in order to fit in.I was placed in one of the top classes in school because of my excellent grades.I'm in the 5-1 Class and there are exactly 30 students in it.Our form teacher Miss Amelia is quite young and probably around her mid 20s.I can't say that she's experienced in this teaching field since she started last year.

So like i said our class is one of the top classes in our year but our attitude are quite the opposite.We may be geniuses but we're not as polite.I'm friends with 3 boys from my class.Their names are Tommy, Jake and Nevine.They're crazy sometimes and quite the vigilante.There's this one time they invited me to try smoking,thank heavens that i declined politely without causing any ruckus.It's hard to fit in with them nor with the other boys in the class because i can't just see myself being one of them.I'm unable to do so.

Now about the girls,they're like a nightmare dressed like a daydream.
You know the typical girl,being crazy with guys,fashions trends and other stuffs me as a man doesn't know and i do not want to know.In a nutshell,they're bitches and sluts on a whole new level despite their big brains but there is this one girl who's quite different.She sat by the window at the back (ayy cliché protag seat in anime xD) , she have eyes as purple as the galaxies,silky black hair that reaches her shoulder.Her build is quite petite for a girl and as for her personality,she's very quiet and attentive honestly.She would pay attention in class but when recess comes,she would go downstairs to our school garden and sit beneath the large tree in the garden alone.Usually i would see her staring at the blue skies with her empty eyes.

One day,i came to school a bit too early and saw her reading a book at her desk.Her eyes were glued to the book.I could see sparks reflected in her eyes and at some point she smiled and chuckled a bit.I've never seen her like that.After a few minute,she noticed i was staring and started to walk away from the class.I quickly grabbed her hand and said "No! It's okay i wasn't-" as i tried to finish my sentence she quickle removed her hand away from my grip and ran.I was confused but decided to just let it go and went to my desk.

As i was trying to arrange my books and utensils on my table,my eyes peeked on her table.What i saw was shocking.There were writings on it,filled with curses and insults.

"Ugly duckling"
"Just die and rot"
"Go kill yourself"

I was enraged by these writings and dashed towards the janitor room.I took a bucket and a piece of cloth with me.I went into the class and started wiping off the writings.As i was cleaning,she came back.Shock was painted on her face.She grabbed my wrist and a "why" came out from her mouth.I kept on cleaning despite her grip without mumbling a single word.After all the writings were gone,i finally said something.

"I'm just doing what's right" i answered her. As i was walking away to put back the items i took,she called me."Thanks,Ned" she said while a smile plastered on her face.I replied with a smile and continue walking back to the janitor room.While on the way to the janitor room,i heard giggles and laugh from the entrance where we place our books and shoes.Curious,i went there and saw some girls scribbling on someone's locker.After they went away,i walked towards the locker.It's hers.A "why" popped out in my mind. With the cloth and bucket still in my hand,i took the liberty to clean the locker too.

The morning sections before recess went by normally.She looked fine despite the things happening to her apparently.During recess,she as usual goes to the school garden.I brought my lunchbox with me and followed her.As we reached the school garden,i greeted her.She noticed and thanked me again for this morning.I asked her permission to join her sitting beneath the tree enjoying the fresh air.She smiles and nod.We enjoyed a moment with ourselves and talked a lot .She's a lot more than i thought.She funny,interesting and not to mention i just noticed how beautiful she is.

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