All Together

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The social worker led Harry up the driveway. Before they even reached the front door he could hear the sounds of yelling coming from within the small house. He clutched Monkey even tighter in his hands. The social worker carried his small suitcase. She knocked on the door, frowned when it wasn't answered, and put an ear to it.

<p data-p-id="90842849bd8cdbbe613cd675f3473883">Harry listened as well. He heard a lady shouting, "Louis, I swear to god, if you don't stop--right, that's it. Outside! Everyone outside! I have to go answer the door. No, I don't care that you weren't doing it, Liam. Outside!"

<p data-p-id="9f3601b9b502543bfc1d4a8b70a3e0dc">The social worker knocked again.

<p data-p-id="827efed4ede9c0ffb883046d77776850">"Coming!" they heard her call, and soon the door was opened, onto a tired looking lady dressed casually in jeans and a jumper. Harry held Monkey against his chest.

<p data-p-id="60f99ab5ddf62ff66e7b3a3463199558">"Hello, Cynthia," she addressed the social worker.

<p data-p-id="1eb44fcb9ffd4d2310fff097f3218371">"Hello, Sandra. I've brought the young boy over we talked about."

<p data-p-id="6118b7b03037898f2ce7231ff0427732">"So I see." For a moment, it seemed she wasn't going to let them in, but then she stepped back and opened the door. The social worker motioned Harry ahead of her.

<p data-p-id="26f673573bc3923199d654ed58cf3c74">Harry crossed the threshold nervously. He squared himself in front of the lady and said, as bravely as possible, "Hi, I'm Harry."

<p data-p-id="58d7ebe4ca923ab7b65d836f50e89ebc">"Hello, Harry, I'm Ms Curtis. " She looked down, not unkindly at him. "Who's that you've got with you?"

<p data-p-id="71026b0065cae05e886559a4a67f61f9">"Monkey," said Harry, not removing Monkey from his position against his chest.

<p data-p-id="51c1b41e2b7923487a3728b4591289ac">"Monkey, huh?"

<p data-p-id="f177aeef64b95c1e55cd3ce87b218748">The social worker said, "We do appreciate you taking another one in, especially at such short notice. Harry's a good boy, he won't be any trouble, will you, Harry?"

<p data-p-id="d3450477752351ead8f187ca042ddac7">Harry shook his head vigorously.

<p data-p-id="c1be90e0295dff6731246def5963a9e0">"Boy needs a good haircut," said Ms Curtis. "Another expense. Why can't you get them cleaned up before you send them to me? When I got Louis he was filthy. Went through two baths of water before we got him clean."

<p data-p-id="84419b698ec4c78cfeebfe59fe829406">"I'm sorry. Harry's former foster family," she glanced down at Harry, "let's just say they didn't treat him very well. He's been neglected."

<p data-p-id="a756f2f9373e56a4f1fb207bf21945fe">"I can see that. So had Louis. Imagine letting a kid go without a bath for a week. When did you last bathe, Harry?"

<p data-p-id="36f4c8d6fa09513432b8717f3491eda3">"Yesterday."

<p data-p-id="0e73e5987490a4cb7dfba26d53134649">"Good. Are you a clean boy?"

<p data-p-id="82c4183a721166d54b9bd139227ccd47">"Yes, ma'am."

<p data-p-id="bade53e1df57e6474b42491f55a3eddf">"I should show you where you're going to sleep."

<p data-p-id="f92dc8893675fe4d64180b5016595fa5">"Before you do that," said the social worker, "I just have some forms and things."

<p data-p-id="3ac8bf08e00cb0c519b7d78093025820">"Of course you do," said Ms Curtis, leading the way to the meals area. She motioned for the social worker to take a seat and the social worker put down Harry's suitcase and did so. Harry trailed after them, chewing on Monkey's ear. "Sorry about not answering straight away, Louis was driving me nuts. The doctor put him on Ritalin, I don't know what else I can do with him."

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