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I take a tired step through the large doors of the school, readjusting my backpack to make sure I didn't forget it like yesterday. It's a long story.

"Hey, Seungmin. Minho...?" I greet my friends in confusion.

"He's looking for some dumb thing he lost." Seungmin explains, gesturing towards the boy digging through his bag.

"It's not dumb, it's from someone dumb, but the item itself isn't." Minho defends.

"What even is it?" I say, making a face despite the older not being able to see.

"You know Jisung, right?" Minho asks without looking up. How could I forget one of my good friends? Minho continues, "Well, he made me this cute little friendship bracelet and forced me to promise I'd wear every day, but I honestly have no idea where I put it."

Seungmin leans over to me. "I think he's got a bit of a crush on this Jisung guy." he whispers with a scoff.

"Wait- I found it." Minho says, his face becoming noticeably brighter and his voice less panicked.

The oldest of us three then pulls a small bracelet out of his backpack. The accessory is made of string with blue circular beads, one of which being a larger, purple bead with a heart carved into it. Minho places the bracelet on his wrist and pulls his jacket sleeve over it.

Seungmin rolls his eyes, but soon notices the remainder of their group from across the hallway. The puppy-like boy waves them over excitedly.

"Hey, Chan." he says.

"What about me?" the other boy says.

"Sorry. Hi, roach." Seungmin says with a smirk.

"That's a weird way to pronounce 'Changbin'." Minho remarks sarcastically.

I greet the two with more care than the youngest after forcing myself to stop staring at the boy in black.

I won't lie, I've had a boy crush on Changbin for quite the while now. I'm not quite sure what it is that makes Changbin so intriguing; we aren't even the closest in the group. Maybe it's just because Changbin looks mysterious and plays football. Either way, I know that these feelings aren't real. I don't actually like Changbin, nor am I gay.

The school bell rings from overhead, shaking me from my thoughts of the older boy.

"See you guys later." Chan waves, heading away from the group. "You coming, 'Lix?"

"Oh, yeah. Sorry." I say. Chan smiles and rolls his eyes as the two of us start our walk towards the science classroom.

Chan and I take our seats, the empty one next to me soon occupied by my other friend, Hyunjin.

Hyunjin isn't really in my group of friends, but we're pretty close anyways. Hyunjin was actually the first person I met when I transferred to this school. We've been friends ever since.

"Hey, hey, Hyunjinnie." I say jokingly while wiggling my eyebrows. Chan is busy talking to someone else.

"Dear God, Felix," Hyunjin says before laughing more than he probably should have.

"So how's life treating you?" I ask the taller boy.

"Pretty good, it's spared me thus far." Hyunjin replies jokingly. Us two sophomores talk and laugh until class begins. When the teacher walks in, all the students quiet down and pay attention as much as they can.

I don't have too much of a problem with this, though. I'd like to think of myself as a good learner and I can easily focus when I choose. I also take a soccer elective with most of my friends and enjoy it very much. Even still, I'm not as balanced as I may seem to everyone on the outside.

I've sort of spent my entire life in question, if that makes any sense. I'm never positive on anything and according to my friends, it's always either "probably" or "probably not" with me.

What I didn't realize is that this routine won't get me through life.

At least, not without a few bumps on the way.

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