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It was that time of year again. The time for the hunters quest. A quest that the top student of Montagues School of Hunters and I, Callie-Briseida Brice, was not the top of my class. Actually I was the second in my class. Dropped behind everyones favorite Prissy Everland. A blonde hair ball of sunshine. Ugh! She was horrible. Well me to at least.
Anyway, this event was mandatory for everyone in the village town, the elves in the forest town, and the minotaurs and cyclops in the cave city.
We all gathered around the great tree. A gift from the fairies in the sky world thousands of years ago.
As everyone settled down the heads of each toen went to the front to commence the ceremony.
Queen Evelynn Cland of the forest town wearing her green leaf dress and twig crown. She had grassy green eyes and curly brown hair.
Queen Madeline Varse of the village town in her sparkly gold dress, gold crown, her golden leaf blonde hair and hazel eyes.
And lastly King Alfred Wong of the cave city in his brown suit, stone crown, with brown receding hair and brown eyes. Since he was in human territory he was to shrink his from to appear human. They all wear.
"Welcome to the 87th Annual Hunter Quest Ceremony" Queen Madline stated "We are here to present Prissy Everglade with her quest and find the lucky elf that would be joining her on her quest. May Prissy join us on stage?"
There was a roar of cheering as Prissy went to the stage. She was dressed in tradition Hunter armor and her bleached blonde hair was in a high pony tail.
Queen Evelynn presented Prissy with the hunters cape given to all the hunters on their first quest but this one was special. It grants its wearer the power of summuning and creating wepons.
"You're quest, Prissy, is to slay the almighty fire breathing dragon, Lucifer."
The room got dead silent. There was a few mumers before Prissy decided to talk.
"I..." Prissy started. "Cant accept"
The crowd gasped in horror.
"There is someone that deserves this way more then I do" Prissy stood and look at the audience. "Callie?"
All eyes turned to me. I slowly rose from my seat and walked towards the great tree.
Prissy walked over to me and hugged me. Whispered in my ear. "Watch your back Brice." She let go and walked over to the side.
We began the ceremony and got to the picking of the elf that would help me. The brought a big bowl of names. Queen Evelynn pulled a card out of the bowl and read it aloud. "Keith Evangelista."
There was a booming of clapping as a boy with brownish-blonde hair and green eyes walked up the the tree. We finished off the ceremony by placing kut hands on the great tree and accepted the quest.
That evening Keith and I met at the village cafe to discuss our plan.
"What if we barged in all cool like and raided the place" Keith said hopeful
"Can you give a good idea" I sighed. "We can't this is a serious mission and I, Callie-Briseda Brice, granddaughter of Calcine Brice the greatest hunter in the history of Mystonia. The only one closest to kill Lucifer. I have to been the one to kill Lucifer. So, I can't mess this up. Besides the security in front of The Realm of the forbidden makes it almost impossible to get in. Only a few got in, but none returned back." I felt myself getting a litle angry.
"Not for a shapeshifter"
"A what?"
"A shapeshifter. Elves are born with gift, abilities you might say. Queen Evelynn's power is healing, mine is shapeshifting"
And with that, a puff of smoke came up consuming Leith then fading away. In his spot sat a small bunny. He hopped on the table and said, "Ta-da! A bunny!"
"So you can transform into any living creature?"
"Yup! Living and breathing! I can also take the form of any type of human."
"This...this could be useful."
"Yeah." I jumped up from my seat. "I got an idea."
And that night we went to work. We decided to meet up at the border of Village Town and Forest Town aka The Great Tree.
I was wearing a black tank top, dark grey shorts, a arrow sack, my bow across my shoulder, the magic green hunters capem black fingerless golves, and a belt. My white hair was pulled back into a pony tail and I had a bandana in my hair so the only thing that guny in my face was two stands of hair.
Keith wore traditions Elf quest cloting. Brown Pants, Green Leave top, a sword on his back and he carred a spear made from a rouge-ex-minitore warrior, It was a dougble headed-well horned- spear.
"We'll go around cave city, through satyr's hill and over mermaids cave where I have princess Urla of mermaid cove to open a portal upon our arrival, to the Relm of the Forbidin right outside Lucifers castle...or lack of, where we will have to pass guards." I stated,
Then we were off.

A few days past and we finally arrived at Saytr's Hill where we met up with Sir Eric Nightingdal, a faithful Knight of King Elvic.
"Our hero's have finally arrived!' Sir Eric greated us, "It is getting late shall you noth join us at the rock bar for some traditional Saytr celebrational drinks?"
Keith and I both agreed and he lead us to a hole in the mountain witha sight on the outside that read Jerry and friends rock bar'
The moment we walk in silence fell over the room. All heads turned to us.
"Hello!' Keith said. He stepped towards the center of the room. "We are you powerful hero's to save you from the beast they call Lucifer" He flexed as he was talking and look at the table next to him of female satyr's and pointed finger guns at them "Ladies."
The giggles and whispered to each other.
"Of cours I get partnered with an idiot." I walked over towards Keith. "Couldn't I have gotten Aegnore the brave? Slagent the cowardly would of done fine well. But no I get Keith the Flirt"  As soon as I was next to him I hit him on the back of the head. "Satyr's, we are passing through from Village town and Forest town on a quest given from our Queens to destroy Lucifer in the Relm of The Forrbiden. We must make our way to Mermaid's Cove where Princess Urla can open the gate. We ask for shelter to stay the night on our rightful quest."
An older looking man walked foward. "In all my years I've seen many Hinters come through here claiming to be on the quest to kill Lucifer, All must travel through here to get home. All never due. As for you little miss, your grandfather past through here on his way back. Hurt terrible, he wanted here to be his finally resting place as he had made a great impact here."
"You-You say Grandpa Calcine! Wait, quest. We gotten this quest from the Great Tree Ceramony"
There was a mutter umong everyone.
"Just like your grandpa. Always shooting high." The older gentleman nodded at Sir Eric who stepped foward
"We welcome our hero's!" he exclaimed. "Ms. Callie-Briseida Brice of Villiage town and SIr Keith Evangelista of the Forrest Town."
There was a loud cheer and we were led to our rooms to stay the night.
That night our quest was to be comepleted. I had staed up last night not being able to sleep, when I felt a jolt and all the pictures hanging on the wall fell. There were 3 more jolts till I was finally able to get enough ballance to get to the door. Grabbing my hunters cape I headed for Keith's room where I see him heading for me.
We meet in the middle catching each other as Keith askes. "You're dressed all ready?"
"Is that really the question you're going to ask now? Do you think its Lucifer."
"No doubt in my mind. We else can shake a town like this?'
We ran outside-well more stumled outside, were we find a 11ft tall fire breathing Crimson Dragon
"Lucifer!" I scream, managing some courage. "What are you doing here?"
Noticing me, fire consumed his body and standing 5ft infront of me was a 5'9" man in a read suit with a scar over his right eye.
"Callie-Briseida Brice, Granddaughter of Calvine Brice, the only one to got even remotly close to killing me, but tradicly died in this patheditc place."
"He was the bravest person anyone has ever known and I'm going to finish his legacy!"
"You? Ha! You wont even get anywhere close to me! You are only second best and you will forever be second best."
Without thinkin I pulled out my bow and arround, pointing one at him, I let go and the arrow grazed his ear.
"That was just a warning shot." I snapped. "I worked hard, Everything was just given to Prissy!"
"Prissy? Prissy Evergland, You daughter."
"You mean she gave up...oh of course!"
As if on cue someone tapped me on the shoulder I turned around to see Prissy.
"You really think that Callie?" Prissy asked "Cause you'd be right."
"Why the hell did you join the academy if you are Lucifer's daughter?!"
She stepped away from me and walked over towards Keith. She grabbed him into a lock and held him. I looked at him worriedly and he smiled and mouthed.'She's not that bright.'
With that Keith was once again consumed by smoke and in his place was a bee. He flew towards me. Returning to his true form.
"I'll get Prissy, you get lucifer. It your time to shine Callie." He yelled running towards Prissy.
I ran the other direction towards Lucifer.
Then everything went black.
I felt the heat of fire, then nothing.
Was I dead.
Soon enough I regained consciousness.
"You're awake!" Keith shouted. His face was stained with tears.
I look over to his hand, which was on my arm, to see we were both full of scars, we won.
He pulled me up into a hug.
"You killed Lucifer, Ms. Callie-Briseida Brice. The first person to ever kill him"Sir Eric stated trotting over to me.
"So, I saved Everyone" I asked
"They're going to have to do a little cleaning but besides that..." Keith helped me up, throwing my arm over his neck, seeing I was more horrible damaged then him. "Let's go home."

Word count: 1086

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