Chapter Four

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Aziawa's p.o.v.
When I was done questioning Kijirou, Bakugo's and Kirishima's son, I went to the teachers office. I better tell the other teachers about Kijirou. Definitely the ones that also teach class 1-A with me. I still can't believe Bakugo actually marries someone and that someone would marry her. She's so hotheaded but she is smart. When I got to the teachers office I called President Mic, All Might, Ishiyama, Midnight, and Ectoplasm over.
"What is it? You never call all of us to talk to at once unless it's important. Plus, aren't you supposed to be teaching?" Midnight told me.
"Yes, I'm supposed to be teaching but something came up and it's somewhat important," I told them.
"What is it then?" Asked All Might. The others nodded their heads to what All a Might said.
"Well yesterday on the class trip, a little kid came up to Bakugo that he is her son from the future. Which we found out is true, not some kind of trick. He will be here for about 3 days. I just wanted to tell you so you don't asked questions about it later," I told them. There jaws dropped. I wonder from which part.
"What, your saying Bakugo, Ms. Hothead gets married and has a kid? Who in there right mind would marry her, let along date her?" Midnight asked me. The others nodded there heads in agreement, still to surprised to speak.
"Ask him yourself," I told them. I'm still surprised myself that someone marries her.
"Well, what's the kids name?" Asked Ectoplasm. 
"His name is Kijirou," I told them.
"That sounds a lot like Kirishima's first name," stated Midnight.
"Yeah, but there's no way Bakugo would even marry him," President Mic tells us.
"Well compatibly he does. And don't try anything," I tell them, as I look at Midnight with a deadly stare knowing she will.
"We won't do anything," All Might tells me. I then hear a explanation. "Don't tell me Bakugo did that," All Might said. I didn't answer his question I just ran out the office and down the hall. It sound like it came from my classroom. But the explosion wasn't that big so I doubt it was Bakugo. Midnight and President Mic we're behind me. We saw Iida go passed us with a injured student in his arms.
When we got the the classroom I saw that know one was hurt besides the one kid.
"Ok, what happened?" I asked the students. All of them stated at the little kid that was asleep in Kirishima's arms.
"On of the shitheads from class 1-B was talking shit to Kijirou and he got mad and hit him it the nuts then started to punch him in the face. And he deserved everything that happen to him," Bakugo told me. Wow, at such a young age, he can do that much damage to a high schooler. While I guess that's what happens when you piss of Bakugo's kid.
"Which one was it," I asked them.
"It was Monoma," Kirishima told me. Of course it was him. He is always talking shit about class 1-A.
"His he ok?" I asked him.
"Kijirou is ok. But I'm not to sure on Monoma. Iida took him to Recovery Girl," Kirishima said. That's good to hear.
Iida then walks into the classroom.
"Iida, how is Monoma?" I asked him. Iida looked at me.
"Um, not so good, but Recovery Girl is fixxing him up as we speak," he told me.
"How bad off is he?" Asked Kijirou, who seem to have woken up.
"Well, he has ha broken nose and he's not going to be able to walk for a while because of how hard you hit him in his privet," Iida told him. While that's not good.
"I didn't mean to. I snapped, my moms says that happens when I'm mad. I'm sorry," Kijirou said, his eyes starting to get watery. Bakugo turns her head to look at Kijirou, she looked worried? Kirishima patted him back.

Kijirou's p.o.v.
I started to cry. I didn't mean to hurt him. He was just being mean. Stuff like this always happens when I get mad. My hands started to hurt. I want mommy, she always helps me when my hands hurt. Tears start to run down my face.
"Hey buddy, it's ok," my dad told me in a soft voice. I want mommy.
"I *sob* want*sob* mommy," I told him in between sobs. I heard someone stand up.

Bakugo's p.o.v.
Wants Kijirou said he want mommy, I stood up and walked fast over to Kirishima's desk. Kirishima looked up at me with sad eyes. He hands me Kijirou and I hug him tightly. Kijirou puts his arms around my neck and puts his head in the crock of m neck. I really didn't care if he got my shirt wet right now. I rubbed his back.
"Hey, What's wrong?" I asked him trying to calm him down.
"My *sob* my hands," he told me sobbing. His hands.
"Let me see your hands," I tell him in a gentle voice. I hear some whispers but I don't care at the moment. He unwraps his hands from my neck and shows me. He's hands are hurt. It looks like what happened to my hands when I used my quirk at his. Definitely when I made big explosions.
"Aziawa, I need to take him to the nurse," I tell him trying to keep my cool.
"Why?" He questioned.
"When he used his quirk he danced his hands. It happened to me when I was younger. He can't control who big the blast was so he damaged his hands even when he hardened his hands," I told him. When I told them that I heard a few 'poor thing' and 'that sounds painful'. He nodded his head. I walkout the classroom to the nurses office. If he used both quirk he couldn't harden his palms because he wouldn't be able to make explosions so he injured his hands in the process. Poor baby, he's in so much pain right now.
Once I got to Recovery girls office I told her what happened and she heals his hands. After she fixed his hands he fell asleep because he was tried because of recovery girls quirk.
"He'll be fine. He just needs some rest and he will be back to normal," she told me. I just nodded. "You can go back to class, I'll bring him to class when he wakes up," she told me. I nodded me head. I walk over to Kijirou and kiss his forehead then walk back to class.
When I walked into the classroom, Kirishima came up to me.
"How's Kijirou?" He asked worriedly.
"He's fine. He's asleep right now, but when he wakes up Recovery Girl will bring him back," I told him. He signed in relief.
"Well, how about all of you guys go and change into you gym clothes and start training," Aziawa told everyone. Everyone else got up and walked out of the classroom and headed to the locker rooms to change. Me and Kirishima fallowed. I walk into the girls locker room and went to my locker. I open it and take off my school uniform and put it in the locker. I heard the door open. All the girls are in here so I turn around to see grape head at the door staring at us, his nose bleeding. Most of us were wear bra and underwear and the others ether undressing or getting dressed. I was only wearing my bra and panties. I walk over to him and explored his ass across the hallway. I looked over to see some of the boys. It was oversized pikachu , Tap arms, Deku, Sonic, and Kirishima. Kirishima was staring at me his face as red as his hair, same with Deku. The three were looking at were I exploded grape head.

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