He leaves you

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You'd just come home after your appointment, which had gone pretty well, when the phone rang. You picked it up, instantly answering the call when you saw it was from your jagiya:

"Hey Joonie!!! How are you?! Will you be home soon, I have something to tell you? "

"Y/n... We need to talk..."

"Jagi... What's wrong? Did you break something again? You can tell me, I won't be mad..."

"Y/n it's not working out, it's been a month since I came home, I simply don't have time for you anymore... Y-Your constantly asking me when I will be home, I don't have the time. You don't understand, even if I explain it 100 times!!! I need to focus on my music, especially with our comeback on the horizon... "

"Joon, we can figure this out, don't do this to us... I know you're busy and I completely support you and your music. You're clearly tired and stressed, why don't you take a break?"

" NO y/n. I'm sorry, this is it. I can't handle a girlfriend right now. I need to focus without you distracting me. Don't you get it?!!"

"Come on jagi, we'll figure this out. Don't do this Joon... I love you," you tried to swallow back the sobs threatening to escape you, whilst your body shook back and forth.

"WHY CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND I DON'T LOVE YOU ANYMORE ?!!!" His voice cold, uncaring.

Hideous thoughts entered your mind as you processed the words,trying to find an excuse. A hope to cling on to, while on the edge of sanity....

"I don't love you."

"Don't love you."


"I don't believe you. What about all those 'I love you's and dates and memories and kisses... Are you just gonna throw that all away Joon? Y-You can't!!!"

"That's pretty much how a break up works y/n. Don't try to contact me again. I'm sorry y/n..." Your voice cracked and your heart broke.

"I don't understand why you're doing this. Please Namjoon!!! Help me understand what I'm doing wrong..."

Why now out of the blue? He knew you would wait for him... This was all just some nightmare, a dream, it wasn't real... You'd wake up and Namjoon would be laying next to you, smiling with beautiful dimples... He loved you...

Didn't he?

That inkling of doubt bloomed, growing, filling you... Did he ever love you? You... Who was nothing special... Just a plain, old you. Dull hair, dark eyes... And then there was your unborn child... An undeveloped bunch of cells, who came from your love... Who her father didn't even know about...

"Goodbye y/n." The line went dead, as you broke down. 3 years thrown away, just like that. Tears streamed down your face and you realise Kim Namjoon, god of destruction, had broken the most precious thing to you.

Your heart...


Cheer up and read the next chap, pls!!! ~ Army93Gwenchana x

Cheer up and read the next chap, pls!!! ~ Army93Gwenchana x

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Namjoon x reader angstWhere stories live. Discover now