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After midnight, when Teo had fallen asleep, his arms wrapped possessively around her, reality began to intrude. Alissa turned her head and stared at him, Teo, who had, with very little effort, convinced her to share his bed. She squeezed her eyes shut as she remembered the strength of connection they’d shared during their lovemaking.

Alissa had always believed that sex was better with someone you loved rather than with a complete stranger, and yet she’d never experienced anything like the sensation Teo had aroused in her last night. Neither of her boyfriends, though lovely men whom she had felt very strongly about, had given her that kind of satisfaction.

She groaned softly in acute embarrassment. Whilst this was undoubtedly the norm for Teo, and men like him, she was in thoroughly unchartered territory. She was a paediatrician, for goodness sake, and her social life was more staid and uninteresting than a middle aged tax accountant’s. The closest thing she came to the nightlife was courtesy of Pete’s colourful tales. Alissa own idea of a perfect evening involved delicious food, a great jazz soundtrack, and a black and white movie, preferably subtitled.

She watched his chest lift up and down, mesmerised by the way his muscles seemed to ripple beneath his skin, even in sleep. If she didn’t leave now, she might never be able to.

Slowly, she slid her leg out of the bed until her toes touched the thickly carpeted floor. Careful not to disturb the sleeping Adonis beside her, she eased the rest of her body out of bed. He mumbled something in his sleep and threw his arms over his head and she froze, watching him carefully. He wore a relaxed expression on his sleeping face. Her heart felt like it was about to leap right out of her chest as she stared at himin his magnificent, naked state. It wasn’t fair for one person to be so extravagantly bestowed with charm and beauty, she thought, a wry smile on her lips.

Not daring to risk dressing in the bedroom for fear of waking him, she collected her clothes off the floor and tiptoed down the hallway until she found a bathroom.

She was a mess. Her hair was a riotous mass of curls, her green eyes were smudged with eye makeup and her skin looked pale after barely any sleep. She splashed water on her face and ran her fingers through her hair, taming it into a semblance of order.

For a brief second, she thought of leaving her phone number, but it was too complicated. Besides, her life was full enough. She’d worked so hard to become a paediatrician and was already years ahead of where she should have been, thanks to her one-eyed focus and lack of a social life. A man like Teo was just exactly the type of distraction that would derail all that hardwork. Not to mention what a man like Teo would be able to do to her. She could just see how quickly she’d fall completely in love with him, and how easily he’d bore and move on from someone like her.

What happened to living life to the fullest? A voice inside her head challenged but Alissa smiled grimly at her own reflection. She supposed you couldn’t really fight your true nature, no matter how much you wished you were different. And she was sensible. Focussed. Smart. Not the kind of woman to go in for magical nights of passion.

No. She had to go. It was the right decision. The only decision. So why did the thought of never seeing him again make her feel physically ill?

The house was surprisingly well fortified. Perhaps that wasn’t surprising given the size of the building and the sheer lavishness of the decor. She hadn’t paid much attention on their way in, but then, she’d been walking in between passionatekisses from Teo and her focus had been all on him. Now, as she tiptoed back down towards the front door, she paid closer attention.

This was the home of a very wealthy individual, obviously. She wondered what her mystery lover did for a career. Whatever it was, he was obviously very successful. She pulled at the door and stifled a curse when it wouldn’t budge. Footsteps behind her made her spin guiltily on her heel. The only thing worse than sneaking out after a one night stand was being caught in the act. A middle aged woman wearing a pale blue dress and apron approached alissa, her face unreadable. With a flood of rapid Italian, she leaned around alissa and inserted a large bronze key into the door, turning it swiftly so that it pushed open with a groan.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2020 ⏰

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