Can I Stay? (1)

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My head finally hits my pillow, and I lay there looking up at the ceiling. My chest heaves up and down at a fast pace, before slowing down.

Brandons head hit the pillow a little after mine, and he looked over at me.

"Can I stay this time? I can le-," he started. I cut him off.

"How many times do I have to tell you? No. This was a mistake anyway, we're not getting back together so I really hope you don't think this was going to fix things."

His lips curled in a downward frown and his eyes darted away from me-letting out frustrated sigh-he always does this. He gets up, sliding on his pants and hoodie that I had previously stripped off of him, before grabbing his phone and heading to the door. He paused and ran his hand through his dark black hair.

"Don't call me for this shit again. You keep getting my hopes up Cass, and I just-I'm just done." He snapped before swinging open the door and stomping out.

I sighed, and grabbed my phone, unlocking it.


The blinding light felt like a hard slap to the face. Morning.

I rubbed the tired out of my eyes and sat up, feeling the cold breeze hit my chest. I rolled out of bed, stepping to my closet to look for the most simple outfit possible.

I scanned my clothes only to pick out a black cropped hoodie, skinny jeans, and black vans. It's not like I cared about what I looked like.

I go to the bathroom, not caring about my bare body being exposed. I turn the knob of the shower, letting it warm up, before I stepped in and felt the warm water hit my back.


I finally made it to school, the smell of weed and small people grouped up in front of it definitely gave it away that this wasn't the most squeaky clean school.

I trudge through the doors of my school and head up to the second floor. I go to my friend's locker, where I spotted all of my other friends.

"Hey bitches," I greeted, smiling at them.

There were a handful of them, let's start with Zion. Zion has been my best friend since 3rd grade, and we're now seniors. I've seen him through all his phases, but I can proudly say that these dreads have been his best look yet.

Next is Edwin, he's pretty short, and we've been friends since freshman year. He's a player, and I can't keep track of what girlfriend he has for shit. His hair also changes like, every week.

Austin is our semi-friend. He's always ditching or never coming to school, so we never see his skinny ass. We've known him since sophomore year and we're still surprised he hasn't been kicked out.

Lauren is our quietest friend. We met her in 8th grade, and practically forced her to be our friend. She's also the most attractive out of us all.

Lastly, there's Noelle. This girl is a handful, and always getting us into the most bullshit. We met her last year.

But let's not forget about me. I'm the one who kind of started this group, and made us all friends.

"Yo what's up? You look worse than usual Cass," Edwin said, looking up from his phone.

I rolled my eyes at his bluntness, and snatched his phone, looking at what he was up to. "Nothing, just Brandon making his weekly visit." I replied before he snatched his phone back.

"Yeah whatever Cass, we hear about him every week." He rolls his eyes.

"Is anyone going on that senior end of the year trip? I heard that whoever is going is gonna be invited to Nick's party that's a day after the trip," Noelle said, her fingers tucking her platinum blonde hair behind her ear.

"Yeah," Everyone replied in unison, even quiet old Lauren.

"Great," Noelle replied, slamming her black locker shut. The bell rang through the old halls of the school. "See y'all 3rd period." She said before dashing down the hall.

Edwin and Lauren headed to class, going on about some new sale. Austin threw Zion and I a peace sign before quickly going upstairs.

"You sure you don't want me to talk to Brandon, Cass? He's been on your damn neck for like a year now," Zion said, starting down the hall with me.
"I don't know. Today was different, he said he was done with me for good because I wouldnt let him stay," I said, before reaching our class.

"Well let's hope he's serious." Zion replied, following behind me into the chilly classroom, the sound of the bell following not to long after.


It's third period. Probably one of the best periods besides our fifth period lunch. For this class, we always have substitutes because our teacher is too lazy to come to school. That leaves our ridiculous group to cause only the most wild incidents.

"Yo I'm telling you! I'm definitely gonna have a threesome by the end of this year bro!" Zion shouted at Edwin who was laughing his ass off.

"Yeah sure," Edwin was able to get out between laughs. "You can't even land a date with one bitch in here! Nobody wants a micro-dick in them,"
The rest of us roared with laughter, as a determined Zion got up to go and try to somehow score a date with a table of girls in the class.

Edwin whispered, telling us to throw our shit at him, and in seconds, all sorts school supplies were flying around the room.

Many people started joining in, and within minutes, the classroom turned into a war zone. Pencils, paper, calculators, binders, books, and whole ass bookbags were flying across the room. The only one who was not participating in the war was small old Lauren, who was hiding under the table.


Here we are . . . in detention. During our lunch period. The only one in our group who did not get this hateful punishment, is Lauren because she hid under the table.

The principal heard the chaos and burst in, screaming. He demanded to know who started it, and our group got the blame. So now we're here, in detention, when we should be at lunch.

I slumped down in my chair, I sat in the desk at the front of the class, where I had a great view of the security at the desk, who was asleep. Pretty typical.

I heard giggling behind me. I turned around slightly to see that the rest of my friends were sneaking out without me. I planted my face down onto the table. Boy, how reliable are they, right?


The semi-packed bus finally arrived at my stop, and I squeezed out of the ride. I had a bit of ways to walk, so I put in my headphones.
When I turned on my phone, there were 5 missed calls, all from a random number. It struck me as startling, so I blocked the number and continued to go to my Spotify playlist.

I had finally arrived at my house—and I couldn't feel more relieved. Without looking up, I walked up the small set of stairs and pulled out my keys.

A voice then shook me back to reality, "Hey,"

I angrily pulled out my headphones and finally took in what was there.


I rolled my eyes in annoyance and relief that it was only him. "What do you want Brandon?" I stated, making my irritation clear through the question.

"I just wanna start over . . . be a new me. I'd like to start with you Cass, you still hold my heart and . . . I've made a mistake, choosing that girl over you, and I realize that. I wanna start over . . . with you," He said, standing up and smiling down at me. I stood there in disbelief, unable to speak.

"So . . .

(okay well that was the first chapter. hoped you liked it ♡)

(and creds to my bsf lqvish for editing ♡)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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