1.1 | #justlikeoldtimes

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Starting over was something Harlow had been used too, due to the fact that her mother sold insurance and they were constantly moving around.

But she never had to start over in the town she grew up in.

The drive to her Father's house was long and uneventful. Harlow's brother, Holden, would constantly poke at her arms and make every sound in the world to annoy her. Her mother didn't help make it better; all she would do was talk about the exciting things that awaited in England, where her job took her next.

Or at least that's what she tells her two kids, but Harlow suspects her young boyfriend is what really brings her there.

"Alright, we're here." The women says as they pull up to the yellow house. "And look, your father finally painted the house that disgusting yellow."

Harlow raises up from her seat to get a better look. Sure enough, the mustard yellow had made its way out of the bucket and onto the house. She smiles, "I think it looks lovely."

"It's ugly. Just like you!" The older girl turns to grab the boy just as he gets out of the car, and out of her reach.

She sighs loudly, "Are you sure you can't take Holden with you? He's such a pain in my-"

"Don't you finish that sentence, young lady." The women says as she fixes her hair in the mirror. "And you know I can't take a eleven year old on a six month trip out of the country! I'll be too busy."

"Busy sucking faces with James," Harlow mumbles.

"Harlow Walker! What has gotten into you?" She exclaims as she hops out of the car. "And his name is Jack," she finishes before shutting the door.

Harlow rolls her eyes and gets out of the car to follow her mother, who was trying to get Holden to calm down, and onto the porch. She waited as the two argued about who was going to ring the door bell, and then turns to knock loudly on the door.

"What are you doing?" Her mother asks.

"Knocking on the door since you two are too busy arguing about it," She says as she gestured towards the door.

Then, footsteps coming from inside the house are heard. "He's coming! How do I look?"

Harlow raises her eyebrow, "Why do you care?"

"I haven't seen your father in years, what if-"

She's interrupted by the front door opening, revealing a man with gray hair upon his head and face. "Amy, Harlow," He ruffles the young boys hair.

"Holden, please come in. Do you need help with your bags?" His smile is crinkled.

Harlow forced a smile back, he's changed so much.

"Harry," Amy greets coldly. "The kids have their bags on the porch, and they can happily bring them inside while you and I have a chat."

"Great," the old man says.

"Go inside now, I'll see you guys soon. I love you," The two kids hug and kiss their mom.

That was the goodbye she came up with? Harlow couldn't help but think. What must she speak to him alone about?

Harlow makes her way into the house, turning around at the odd pair outside. "It's nice to see you again, dad."

A smile goes on his face, a genuine smile that hasn't been there for awhile. He was happy that his daughter wasn't acting as weird as his ex-wife was, it felt... good.

Harlow's room was exactly as she had left it three years ago; olive green walls and purple bedding. Something her mother had never approved of. Her walls were decorated with art she had done in the past and with band posters she had outgrew years ago.

It was crazy that her father had kept everything in place, and she begin to wonder if he did the same to Holden's room.

From what she had saw the living room had stayed exactly the same, expect for the new red couches. Something she figured he had wanted to do for awhile, but had always been disapproved by her mother.

The sound of honking alerts her and she peeks through the bedroom window to see her mother waving from the silver car, a small wave is returned from her daughter. Harlow sits back down on her bed, so much time was spent in here with friends from her childhood. Her mind began to wonder, where are they now? Do they still come to school here? Do they remember her the way she remembers them?

Of course, Harlow wasn't apart of the popular bunch so she didn't have many friends, but the two she had were all she wanted. Rowan Fricks and Hailey Jensen are their names. The three of them used to be inseparable, always managing to frustrate Harlow's mother when they were around. So many sleepovers filled with gossip and eighth grade drama happened in here. Do they remember that?

She never remained in contact with them, so maybe that's why Harlow questions their remembrance of her.

"Knock, knock," The girl turns towards her door to see her father's smiling face.

"Hey, dad." She says quietly.

His smile disappeared, "Are you alright kiddo?" Did I do-"

"No, you didn't do anything." She reassures him, "I was just thinking about- I don't know- my past here."

He nods his head and lets out a soft 'oh'.
"All good things I'm hoping?"

Harlow smiles, and finds herself nodding without even meaning to. "Do you remember Rowan and Hailey? Do you think they remember me?"

Her father shakes his head yes and laughs. "How could I forget them?"

His laughs disappears when he realizes the seriousness of the questions. "Harlow of course they remember you, how couldn't they? You guys were like the three musketeers."

He lightly punches her shoulder, which causes her smile to widen a bit, but it leaves once more. "But what if they don't?"

"Well," he says while making his way out of the bedroom. "I guess you'll find out tomorrow."

Tomorrow? Harlow has almost forgotten about the first day of school. "I guess I will, huh?"

"It's going to be great, Harlow. It'll be just like old times," he says reassuringly.

She smiles to herself, "Just like old times."

Word Count: 1058

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2019 ⏰

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