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I have a problem. And it's a pretty big one, too.

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A knock on the door startles Arthit, making him look up from his assignment.

Outside the door, there stands an irritating Second Year, his nose pressed to the door as he points to the handle.

"Wait up."

Arthit goes stock-still, shivers rushing down his spine.

❋ ❋ ❋

My height is below average.

I have small eyes and a big nose.

The worst part of it all? I have a fifty-fifty hairdo!

However many times I try, it always flops back to the way it was before. My hair's just too straight! Now, I only have two styles: over-gelled quiff... or completely flat on my forehead.

To put it simply...

I'm ugly!

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"P'... I have something to confess to you."

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But I'm not trying to complain about my looks. There are even times where I look in the mirror after I shower and think I'm a pretty decent-looking guy.

No. The problem is...

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"I...," Kongpob swallows, glancing away.

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This popular, tall, good-looking guy—Second Year Kongpob Sutthilak—well...

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Kongpob meets his eyes, some bright determination shining in them. "I like you, P'Arthit."

❋ ❋ ❋

He likes me!


A/N: Follow my Twitter @perayatwt!

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