Day 22 IzukuxTsuyu

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This was meant to be a super cute drawing but it didn't do what I wanted it to >:/
I have an idea and it always go opposite to plan

Also this is late because my wifi has been stupid lately

Also this is late because my wifi has been stupid lately

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But take a slice of this izukuxtsuyuI don't hate the ship but I prefer shipping Tsuyu with ochako (SHIP FOR LIFE) And I have multiple ships for Izuku but all but one *I think* is gay 😝

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But take a slice of this izukuxtsuyu
I don't hate the ship but I prefer shipping Tsuyu with ochako (SHIP FOR LIFE)
And I have multiple ships for Izuku but all but one *I think* is gay 😝

And because of this I'm a mad gay and lessy shipper 😝 I do like some straight ships tho they just have to be adorable or cool or they have to be the oblivious idiots who I want to kill because they aren't yet together and they drive me bloody insane UUUGGHHHH (the description of three tv shows I'm currently watching)

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