Chapter One

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(A/N) HI!!! Sorry if there's any mistakes, I'm a bit nervous. It's also quite short, so again, I'm so sorry. But I don't think this book will get very far, I doubt anyone will read it. Let me know your thoughts and such! AHHHHH SUPER NERVOUS, I HOPE YOU LIKE IT BYE! <3



I wake up in the same bed as always, white sheets with a sickly blue duvet over it. A single pillow under my head. I call in my nurse and only friend at the moment, Ella. She walks through the door a few minutes later. I look at her and smile.

"Hey" she looks up at me noticing my good mood. Smiling, she answers "Hi, Lou." My nickname since my first few weeks here at the hospital. "Ella, where's Hero?"

Hero is my service dog, he helps make sure I'm safe and makes sure I don't get hurt when I collapse.

Ella answers, "Out for grooming, he needed a haircut. I will go pick him up after breakfast." I smile at that, feeling all possible panic leave my mind, knowing my pup is safe. Ella walks away for a minute and comes back with a container of fruit salad, a fork and my meds that help keep my anxiety at bay. I take a few bites of my breakfast and then quickly swallow my pills. Ella sitting beside me takes the pill bottles to put away. After a while of me eating and makin small conversation with Ella. I notice the migraine coming on and lay my head down on the pillow, knowing I will pass out any moment. My vision goes black, my ears start to ring and before long I'm waking up with Ella gone. I grab my phone to check for any messages from Ella or even My family, but much to my disappointment, nothing.


Ella walks in Leash in hand and I look down and see my adorable Service pup, Hero. Hero's mud brown, curly fur coming into vision I smile. I call him up to me with a simple gesture. I notice his excitement to see me. "Hello my little Hero."

He wags his tail and I continue to praise him being a good dog. Ella sits next to us, and taps my shoulder lightly, to let me know she wants to talk.

"So, your birthday is coming up" she starts.

"As well as christmas." I say back"

"Right, but you're gonna be eighteen. Which means, apartment, job, going out whenever you want."

"Well yes, but you will still be close by to check on me, ya know so I don't hit my head and die."

We laugh at that and Ella hits my arm lightly. "I'm serious Louis, you have to start thinking about what you want, only two more weeks, then you're out of here"

"So when do we start searching?" I speak, Ella smirks at me.


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